What was*

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It's hard to believe looking back now that there was a life before this. Before the dead started walking the earth. Making meals out of anyone they came across.

My name is Amara Grimes daughter of Rick Grimes and Stacey Michelson. I was an unexpected suprise that showed up exactly 9months after prom.

My parents always got along well even after the split. That was until Lori came along. She dispised my parents having any communications, that didn't involve me. Even that was iffy at times.
After my mother died I came to live with my dad Lori and my half brother Carl. We had always got along well I loved Carl. Lori and I didnt get along hardly at all.

"Amara go change your clothes your not wearing that trash to school" Lori said.

I rolled my eyes. "Well you bought it Lori. What's that say about you?"

"Rick are you going to let your daughter speak to me like that?" She huffed.

In front of others when putting on a show. I was always introduced as her daughter. Which I quickly corrected,but behind closed doors I was Rick's daughter,Rick's problem and Lori's pain in the ass.

"Well you did take her shopping didn't you?" Dad asked.

"You always do this Rick you always take her side." Lori whined.

Dad just shook his head. "Baby apologize please."

"Daddy why should I have to apologize I didn't do anything."

"Amara please for me huh?"

"Fine" I said turning to Lori. "I apologize."

"There now everyones happy. I'm going to work." He said. "Come on you two lets go."

Carl and I grabbed our things leaving with dad.

"Don't forget Shane will pick you up after school. He's taking you to pick up your car at the shop." Dad reminded me.

Shane is dad's best friend and also his partner at work. I always got along well with Shane. He took Carl and I to football games and over night camping trips, when we were younger.

A few months ago after I turned 18 he started acting a little weird when I was around. I would sometimes catch him looking at me,or sometimes he would hug a little to long. Not that I minded much Shane's kind of hot. All my friends think so....Anyway.

"Ok daddy I won't forget." I kissed his cheek and got out of the car. Running to catch up with my friends.

"Hey guys" I said. Stopping in front of my locker.

"Hey beautiful" Alex greeted me with a hug.

"Hey yourself, your looking hot today" I shot him a wink.

"We all know I'm looking good" Jax said from the other side of Alex.

We laughed....Jax is an awesome guy but can be so full of himself.

"Where's Tiffany?" I asked.

"Her and Amanda are in the office." Jax said. "Fighting again this morning."

I shook my head. "Will they never learn?"

Tiffany and Amanda had once been good friends,but for the last two years all they did was fight. Neither ever said exactly why. All we knew was that a guy was involved.

"You know they won't" Jax said.

School that day seemed to drag by. I was kind of anxious to go pick up my car. I walked out with Tiff and waited for Shane by the road.

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