Requests are back!

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Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it? 

So yeah I've decided to open requests back up!  I'll just put some rules here cause I know what you sinners are like 😂

Okay so if you want to request multiple one-shots, please request ONE at a time! Once I've finished your first request and published it you can then request the next one you would like. I only say this because it means my requests will not get backed up and overwhelming. 


- I will do gay/lesbian one-shots. If you want a male character x male reader go right ahead

- I am fine to do Character x Reader x Character too. Poly ships are all good.

- I'm fine to write AU's though it depends on what that AU entails.

I will NOT

- I will not write one-shots for anime I have not seen. If you want to see the list of anime I've seen go to the first chapter of this book.

-Write Lemon/Smut (Sorry lads but people in my life know of this account)

-No Vore or stuff like that because I'd rather die than contribute to that

-No Incest or crap like that 

Just gonna say right now these rules won't cover everything. These are just some base rules.

 I usually take mostly every request given to me but if that request has something that makes me uncomfortable or I won't write I'll probably ask for you to change it a bit so I can write it or I'll just decline it. I hope you all understand that.

Also guys I have recently opened a Deviantart page! I have always loved drawing but never really posted much of it online so I'd appreciate if you went over and had a look at my work! ❤ 

I also have an art insta too if you wanna follow that ❤️ I'm @ judehpart  on there

Anyway yeah, it'll be fun to do some requests again! 

Until next time bye- Jude!

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