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Sometimes we need to lose the small battles in order to win the war.

The Art of War
Sun Tzu 

Jungkook was stretched out on the plush hotel bed, body relaxed and eyes closed. But his mind . . . His mind was raging a fucking war.

One part of him - his hormones, namely - attempted to use poorly thought out logic to get his ass into the shower with Taehyung. He justified that the elder enjoyed their interaction at the bar; the strangled moans caught in Taehyung's throat, the flush over his high cheekbones, and the fingers digging into Jungkook's back all seemed to be pretty clear indicators. 

Taehyung's hard cock pressed against him also gave off the impression that he might be open to more.

The other part of him, however, was much more rational. It encouraged him not to get involved with someone who hated his guts, a person who only stuck around because he was being paid to do so. And besides, Taehyung probably wasn't hard for Jungkook. Anyone would have a similar bodily reaction if their neck was being pleasured, right?

And as much as Jungkook loved the fact that Taehyung got aroused, his initial intention was not actually to get him to that state. The elder's ex really had been looking their way, eyes locked on Jungkook in an almost trance-like manner. Outside of the creepiness of it all, Jungkook had a weird feeling he'd seen the guy before. There was something familiar about him, though he couldn't place where they would've met.

The guy must have realized it as well. He began to approach, most likely taking their eye contact as a sign of encouragement. That, of course, caused Taehyung to almost lose it, so Jungkook did the only thing he could think of so the guy would back off.

And the guy did. As soon as he saw Jungkook kissing Taehyung's neck, he turned away. 

Jungkook knew he should have kept his attention on the guy, but he was too intoxicated by the feel of Taehyung under his lips. Fuck, he wanted to consume the bodyguard, to taste every inch of his skin. It had been a long time since he felt this sort of attraction to anyone, and he was so lost in his desire. All of his senses were locked on Taehyung as he forgot about being diligent and focused entirely on the elder.

He was so close to kissing Taehyung full on when he spotted the elder's ex out of the corner of his eye. He was speaking with that same woman from before, an arm wrapped securely around her waist. Moments later, they had left the bar together, hand in hand.

Disappointment clouded his vision as he put an end to his appreciation of Taehyung's neck, knowing they needed to get back to safety. He broke away, more flustered than he wanted to be, trying to tame the fire coursing through his veins. The whole way back to the hotel, his body begged him to pull Taehyung into his arms once more. 

Fuck. Taehyung drove Jungkook wild like no one else had before. Sure, the bodyguard was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen, but it was more than physical appearance. There was a simmering passion dwelling beneath Taehyung's skin that called out for Jungkook, drawing him closer like a moth to a flame.

And Jungkook didn't care if he got burned. In fact, he welcomed that option wholeheartedly. 

So now, listening to the gentle splashing of the shower, Jungkook was at am impasse. There were two options: do the right thing and stay put, or do something else entirely. 

He gracefully rolled off of the bed, walking over to the bathroom with an erratic heartbeat. The water shut off as he neared the door, allowing him to hear Taehyung stepping out of the shower. His hand froze above the doorknob, giving him time to reconsider and leave the bodyguard alone.

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