27. struggling at life

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I tapped my pencil on my desk over and over and over again. It was Friday. It was happening. It was time. In a couple hours, I was going on a date. It was such a scary idea.

It was almost lunch, and Aizawa was currently giving us an English lesson to sub in for Present Mic. It was a boring lesson, and my mind wouldn't stop wondering. That was not a good mix.

I mean, who wouldn't overthink a date with Bakugou?

"KIRISHIMA!" Aizawa interrupted my thoughts. "Pay attention."

"S-Sorry, Sir," my face flushed in red as the class snickered at me. I wrote down the notes he had up and made sure I didn't get distracted again.


We were walking to lunch, and Kaminari was being a dumbass. "Kaminari! Stop trying to jump off the walls!"

"Never!" He yelled as he ran up to a wall and put his foot on it, trying to flip off, and failing. He fell on the floor and we all just walked over him.

"It's never going to work for you, you simply don't have the ability to do that," Jirou said with a shrug.

Kaminari stood up and followed behind us, "How come I'm the bullied one?"

"Because you're easy as shit to make fun of," Bakugou shrugged.

"I mean, he's not wrong," Mina agreed.

"It's okay man! You're uh... trying your best!" Sero put his hand on Kami's shoulder and smiled.


We walked into the cafeteria and got in line for food. I grabbed some ramen along with rice and some other things.

We all sat down, laughing, talking, and enjoying our food. "So, Kiri, why were you so distracted during class today?" Sero asked.

I chocked on my ramen and laughed, "U-Uh, it was nothing. You can't tell me you don't zone out in that class sometimes."

"True. I mean, with Present Mic teaching it's easier to pay attention since he's so loud, but with Aizawa... yeah, no, he's just too tired sounding," Sero shrugged.

"Do we have hero training this afternoon?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, I think today is just pairing up and doing combat training," Jirou said.

"Ooo! Fun! I love those days!" Mina said with a bright smile.

"Kiri can I have some of your rice?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah sure. Have at it. I don't think I'll be able to eat all of it, anyway." He starts taking some of my rice and eating it.

Everyone else started talking about stupid stuff and I just continued eating my food.


Bakugou and I were just heading back to the room, having light conversation on the way. I had noticed how all week Bakugou was slowly getting closer to me. Not like we were touching or anything, he just walked a couple inches closer to me anywhere we went. It was nice.

When we were training, Bakugou and I had fun. Mostly because he and I always had fun doing that kinda stuff. Although, once he and I were done I went over to Mina and we pretty much just horsed around for 5 minutes as she tried to spray me with her acid...

We got yelled at.

I unlocked my door, and walked in, Bakugou following and heading over to his room. We had about two hours before the actual date itself, so I laid down on my bed.

I decided I'd text Mina to calm my nerves that were only growing by the minute.

Kiri: mina i'm struggling at life

Mina: aren't we all?

Kiri: you know what i mean :( i'm having worries

Mina: you shouldn't! kirishima you are an amazing person and you deserve all the happiness ever and at least right now bakugou is part of that happiness! you and him are gonna go on a AMAZING first date and that date will turn into two dates and then soon you'll be boyfriends and life will be happy and everything will be happy!
Mina: and i swear to fucking god if he hurts you i'll kill him

Kiri: please don't do that, and thank you. that really helped. my nerves have just been going insane.

Mina: how abt you talk abt how you feel? maybe it'll help to let it all out.

Kiri: ah, alright. uh, i honestly don't know how i feel. since the arcade night, everything feels so surreal. i just can't believe he likes me back. i mean, yeah, we've been closer lately but like... it's always seemed like a bro thing to me... and what if our bromance turns into a romance just for it to break off and end up awkward? i really don't want that to happen, mina. i really really don't. also, what if in the future when we all graduate... if bakugou and i's relationship even gets that far... we have to break off to start our hero careers? i fully believe bakugou can become the number one hero and i don't want to get in the way of that..

Mina: you won't. you're relationship with him will probably never change... at least that's what i think. you're bromance is just too deep to really break now, kiri. it'll all turn out happy. also, you need to get ready! go get your mans!

Kiri: thanks, mina

Mina: no probs!

I slump out of the bed and grab the clothes I was planning on wearing. It was just a simple pair of ripped jeans, some vans, a black t-shirt, and a nice windbreaker, but I liked it. I also put a bandana around my hair to keep it stable. I, then, grabbed all the stuff I needed and shoved it into a little backpack I brought with me when I went pretty much anywhere.

Once it was almost time to go, I knocked on Bakugou's door. "You ready?"

I heard some shuffling on the other side, "Almost, uh, where are we going? I want to make sure I'm dressed right," he said.

I forgot I didn't tell him where we were going, "Uh, well, it's a surprise! But just dress casual."

"Okay. Perfect. I'm ready." I heard some footsteps going toward the door and he opened it.

He was wearing a grey crewneck with some black ripped jeans, and all black vans following after.

He looked amazing, honestly.


sorry i'm a couple hours late but this took me so long to write... filler chapters are qUiTe DiFfIcUlT

also if you see any words that like instead of shit it's sh*t please tell me so i can fix it cuz i must've missed some of the old censors i got rid of lmao

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