chapter 69

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Kate pov

        While I was about to go get Ashley ready, Tony came asking for Raul. I'm guessing to get him ready, but of course Trinity had to come. She said she would get them ready so that me and Tony could get going. On the elevator Tony was asking about last night, but then again that was supposed to happen. Like what if Emma had come home, I told him it was a mistake. We started arguing by his car, that's when Antonio let go of my hand to go get I'm guessing his airpods. The same time a car was coming, and all I saw was Antoino little body lying on the floor. I rushed to him, I call Tony trying to see if he could so something. Tony came and took him up and we went to the hospital. When we could there the doctors took him, then Tony left to call Trinity. When he came back we could in an argument, like if that didn't happen last night maybe my baby would still be here. While arguing Ashley and Trinity came.... 

Ashley: mom is Antonio ok
Kate: I don't know don't honey
Ashley: mom does daddy know

     I then watch Tony and watch back up Ashley......

Kate: your father was the course of this
Trinity: Kate how could you say that
Kate: no if he wasn't arguing it won't have happened
Tony: what the hell is going on
Kate: Ashley come on
Ashley: but I want to be with daddy
Kate: well he doesn't want to be with you
Trinity: kate

      I just left them, I don't I'm just really hurt right now. After a few minutes of waiting I heard the doctors calling......

Kate: HERE
Doctor: mom right, and you must be the dad
Tony: um...
Kate: it doesn't matter about him, what's wrong with my baby
Doctor: well he's stable, he's pretty lucky that the car didn't do much damage; he has two broken ribs and an broke arm
Kate: that's all
Doctor: with probably a few bruises, here and there
Kate: can I see him
Doctor: sure
Kate: Trinity can you watch Ashley
Ashley: but I want to see him
Kate: is there any way she could see him
Doctor: um... sure

       With that we followed the doctor, to where my baby was lying down sleeping.... 

Ashley: AntonioKate: baby he's sleepingAshley: mummy is he okay Kate: yes, doctor how long will he be in here Doctor: well he doesn't have much damage, so we'll just keep him until tomorrow

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Ashley: Antonio
Kate: baby he's sleeping
Ashley: mummy is he okay
Kate: yes, doctor how long will he be in here
Doctor: well he doesn't have much damage, so we'll just keep him until tomorrow

After a few minutes.....

Trinity: Kate
Kate: shhh....there both sleeping
Trinity: Kate come on we should get you home, and let you get cleaned up
Kate: nope I'm not leaving him
Trinity: Tony's here
Kate: nope
Trinity: Kate come on, Ashley is sleeping in your arms, you look a mess
Kate: no I'm still not going home
Trinity: Kate
Kate: NO, I said I'm not going home
Tony: Kate
Kate: not even for you I'm going home
Tony: then give me Ashley
Kate: nope
Tony: Kate
Trinity: then give me her
Kate: nope you're going to give him my baby
Trinity: Kate it's his daughter to
Tony: WHAT
Kate: you really don't get it huh, Trinity just get him out of here please
Trinity: god why do you have to be so slow Tony......

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