Not Yet

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Corinth's Pov

Last night was almost a blur.
A blurry nightmare that you can't hope but want to wake up from. I never had to sacrifice something that I didn't even own but I was willing to do it.

After we dropped Lexa home, mom gave me the talk. The never commit suicide because all it does is provide pain to the people around you talk. I'd never let myself get that weak. I promised her that if I ever felt that low that I'd let her in before I took my life.

Lexa never showed up to pick me up for school and Kimmy had messaged me saying that her dad was dropping her.

During breakfast mom insinuated that it was better she took the day off from school and not to worry. It was better that she had time to recuperate and start afresh. Her exact words.

When I arrived at school I noticed Caleb, he was wearing a black sweater and dinged jeans. His hair was messy but in an attractive way. When he noticed me he pretended not to see me. I knew that I'd have to forget him but I guess forgetting him should be easier since he never really considered me anyway.

"Hey, Corinth where's Kimmy?" Derrick asked snapping me out of my headspace.

"Not sure I just got here, but she shouldn't be too long she messaged me a while ago."

"Oh I see, well if you do see her, would you tell her that I'm in the janitors closet," Derrick said while licking his lips and arching his eyebrows.

"That's gross Derrick, do you guys really?"

"Of course not Corinth," Kimmy said in a matter-of-fact tone. While slapping Derrick over the head. She was dressed in an oversized sweater that most likely belonged to Derrick and a white shorts.

"Ouch babe, I was obviously joking, but a guy can wish can't he," Derrick said in a hopeful tone while closing his eyes and imagining it I assumed.

"So Corinth, are we on for later? your mom is still taking the late shift right?" Kimmy asked while being distracted by something behind me. was it him?

"Yeah, I am, and yes she is" I answered with a small untainted smile.

"Ok guys, don't make it obvious but if you turn around slowly, you would see how intense Caleb is staring at Corinth right now," Kimmy whispered. I felt my body go cold and my nerves started knocking on my door pleading a surrender but I never faltered.

"Where?" Derrick shouted while looking around frantically, in every direction possible.

"Derrick really," Kimmy whined while stamping her feet like a kid.

"The way he has been staring at you," Kimmy pointed out "It's like you took away his most prized possession."

I turned to meet his stare and I couldn't understand what it meant. His eyes seemed so daring, I almost felt willed enough to smooth them back to the way they looked at me when we rode home on his bike.

"I'm heading to class," I answered turning back to meet the group while trying my best to avoid the topic and him.

"What about Caleb?" Kimmy asked. It seemed to genuinely peek her interest.

"What about him?" I questioned. knowing well what her intentions were.

"Ok I'll drop it but you have to at least let me in once in a while, I have a brief meeting with the cheerleaders so I'll see you later." Kimmy said in a strained voice. Before she and Derrick disappeared into the hallway.


After Geography I walked toward the hallway and hid by Kimmy's locker. I stood wrapped in my thoughts about everything that happened between Alexa and I.

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