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Yongsun POV

I open my eyes to the bright sun, i yawned and stretched my arms, i was confused when one of my arms were tied to the bed. I looked down at myself, the remote was on my other hand. My legs were spread with the vibrator still inside me. Wait, was all that happened just a dream? No, it couldnt.. i mean it felt so real.

I yawned again, i felt disgusted with myself.. why did i dream about her? Especially about that? Am i really that horny?

"Rise and shine" officer Moon opened my bedroom door with a really emotionless expression, even after seeing my body like this. "Get up, i made breakfast" she continued and left.

Wow i've never seen someone like her, she wasnt embarrassed at all when she saw me naked. It reminded me of something, i made a mark on her neck. That'll confirm if it was a dream or not!. Im a genius.

I took wore my underwear and covered myself with a laced see through robe. I went out of my room then downstairs barefooted. I entered the dining room where Officer Moon was sitting, she was waiting for me.

She looked at me and her face suddenly changed, her eyes widened a bit and she immediately looked back at the food. I smiled cuss finally she seemed a bit more human.

She was wearing a turtle neck, i was confused was she trying to hide something? Im going to find out.

"What are you doing here dressed up like that? This is a dining table. Learn your manners" she said sternly with annoyance in her eyes

"Tch- who are you to tell me what to do?! And i look just as delicious as the food!"

She eyed me head to toe, which got me annoyed. "I'd rather good looking food" she said and smirked.

This bitch, really be out there pushing buttons she shouldnt be pushing. My brows were furrowing at how pissed off i was.

"What? Cant think of a comeback? Ms Kim?" She looked at me teasingly now.

"Your not supposed to talk to me like that, fucking bitch!"

"Woah woah, raising your voice on the table is not a good etiquette, you should know that, right elder?" I fucking hate that smirk on her face. "Also, dont you know? Once you result in shouting or usage of badwords, you've already lost."

I wanted to punch that smirk off her face right then and there! Ugh this bitch.

"I know you wanna punch me right now. And im not stopping you, go ahead. I've already won." She looked straight at my eyes. I flinched at the sudden realization and grew more pissed off. "Should we eat? I woke up early to make this for you."

"And why would you do that?" I said in annoyance.

"Why? Cant i?" She started taking the chopsticks in her hand and took a piece of egg.

I scoffed and pushed the plate angrily and stood up with my arms crossed, i walked out the dining table and left her there.

Oh crap i forgot to check her neck! Aish idiot. I dont wanna go back in there thats just wrong ugh. I'll do it later.

Moonbyul POV

Wahh! she just left me here, after all the dang trouble of making her breakfast! This brat. Calm down Moon byul yi, just have to deal with it for the next 2 months.

Thank god.. she doesnt seem to remember what happened. I had to put her back to the position she was in, before i came in her room, i barely had sleep thinking about that. I hope she believes its just a dream, if she gets to know that we did that there'd be a slight chance rumors will spread and it reaches the chief, who knows what he'd do to me.. heck! I could lose my job.

I cant believe that happened.. im so glad i showed no embarrassment or stutter when i talked to her. My heart was beating really fast, she looked so good in the lingerie and laced robe when she came here, ugh i need to eat!

I slapped myself from thinking about her.

Wait, wont she be hungry later on? Im worried, ehh she'll come here if she wants to eat.

I shook my head and continued eating. I stood up and asked one of the maids to clean up, politely of course.

I walked back upstairs to her room to check up on her. I knocked on the door and opened it before she could tell me to come in.

"Yah! Are you hungry?" I asked her, she was on her phone ignoring me. "Yah!" I called again and she still ignored me, seem like she's scrolling through instagram. "Aish"

I cursed as i walked up to her, she still avoiding me. "Yah! Are you a kid or what?! Youre ignoring me because of what i said earlier? Fine.. im sorry okay? Just please go eat."

She looked up at me and didnt answer, instead she just reached her hand on my collar and pulled me down to her, our faces only a few inches away from eachother.

I tried really hard to keep my face calm but i couldnt my face was red. I was embarressed. She held my cheek with her other hand and pulled my collar to look at my neck.

I guess she remembered what happened, Thankfully i covered it up with make up before wearing this sweater, just in case anything like this happens. Her face got a bit disappointed, i wonder why?.. she let go of me and i got myself together and kept the face i usually keep around her.

I cleared my throat as i adjust my collar. "What was that for?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing, just wanted to check something.." she looked back down at her phone "guess it was just a dream."

"What was?" I asked to make it less suspicious.

"Oh nothing, i just dreamt about fucking you and leaving hickeys on you neck."

I coughed a bit. "Why would y-you dream about s-something like that?" I acted as if i didnt know what happened, acted as if i was embarressed, she has to believe its a dream otherwise i'd be dead.

"I dunno maybe cuss your interesting."

"I-i see" i coughed again to clear my throat "Anyways you have anywher you want to go to?"

"Huh? But im not allowed to go out for 2months." She said as she raised a brow at me.

"Hmm well yeah.. but as long as im with you and right beside you, you can go."

"Really?!" She said as her face lit up, it looked adorable but i resisted and showed no emotion as always. I just nod at her and gave her a tiny smile.

"Get ready if you wanna leave." I just say, "and dont forget to cover your face. It'll be dangerous, if anyone recognises us."

She nod her head. "And also that reminds me, The chief of the Korean Police Department, told me that you have 'enemies', whatever that means. Mind if i ask about it?" I asked her, hoping she'll open up to me.

She hesitated before she said anything, she just looked down and put her hands in a fist.

"As much as i want to go out.. i cant, i have to stay here. Even if you are there to protect me, i dont think you can handle it. Not like i care if you die, its just..." she looked at me and looked down. "Its nothing, i cant go out."

I nod "its okay, i get it."

Of course she wouldnt open up yet. But, i have to get it out of her, make her trust me.

But how?

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