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Mark POV;
"Wonderful way to start the day. I thought. Who knew that the blaring noises of an alarm clock could be so annoying" I spoke chuckling as I slipped my glasses onto my face.
"Hope nothing bad happens today, my editor is already late to upload my video (if that's what happens idk) and-" I was cut off by a loud bark from Chica getting aggravated due to the lack of attention. ARF!
"Okay girl c'mere." I chuckled patting the empty side of the bed next to me. Before I knew it I was being tackled in doggy kisses. I looked around quickly through the tornado of dog and saw an exit. I dove for the floor but I was followed by a 100 pound weight :/. (I said ":/" to show that he or I didn't enjoy the weight.) I got up sighing in defeat the clock was pretty much glaring at me as if to say "You're more late everyday! You should be out of the shower by now!" Waving off the thought I walked over to feed Chica. She had leftover water in her bowl so she didn't really need anymore is what I tell myself but I still give her more *slight laugh*. The shower was nice and refreshing. The water made a sound best described as sizzling refresh-ness. I grabbed for the shampoo bottle when I haze of loneliness and depression filled my mind. I just sat there crying, confused of how I got all this mopey aura of emotions I quickly got my hair clean to process my sudden horrible emotions in a more comforting room. I felt almost as if I was suffocating in that bathroom.
"Why hello there." A creepy devilish voice spoke.
"What the hell?!" I screamed internally.
I looked around and no one was there . I searched my whole house to only find me and Chica. The feeling of loneliness took over again back downstairs of my small home.
"Why it looks like we have have a new doll to mess with guys >:)" the creepy voice echoed as if it was talking to someone. "Who the hell are you?! Show yourself!" I screamed looking around hugging Chica in distress.
"Your companion won't help you no longer. You're mine. You'll never be the same again" it spoke aggressively. I went to ask another question when I levitated into the air and saw a black fog beast holding me by my shirt. Is started wailing a scream so horrible that it probably literally woke the dead. It disappeared into a ball of energy ... or power? It looked odd. It was black with purple streaks running across the orb. It dashed into my face, it lowered itself down to my mouth shrank smaller to about the size of a ping pong ball. I was confused more than ever when it went down my throat and made an indention into my stomach probably making itself at home I thought more scared than I've ever been before. I saw my stomach and it appears as if I had a rock added to my stomach. Thank goodness I wore big and dark clothes to cover it so no one would question anything. So much for a normal day I thought laughing quietly to myself.
-552 words :)
(I'm writing this on my phone so if there are any errors or something similar to that, I apologize.

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