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It was a busy week for everybody. Kara was busy being CEO and Supergirl. She was getting the hang of it being CEO. Lena was busy finishing her projects. Alex was busy at the DEO dealing with everything. Brainy was busy improving their computers and weapons at the DEO. Nia was busy reporting and being Dreamer. J'onn was on Mars with M'gann to help build their economy again. Kelly was busy with her patients. It was a just hectic.

Today Lena and Kara would be leaving for Argo. Kara was at the DEO preparing the ship and asked Lena to pack a few stuff. Nia insisted taking care of CatCo while Kara was gone.

"Kara is everything good in the ship?" Asked Brainy. He was checking the controls and made the coordinates for Argo. "Yeah, engines are good, snacks are ready, air tank is full. Everything is ready. Hey how's it going with Nia?" Asked the Kryptonian.

Brainy finished his work and turned to Kara. "It's going well. Today I will ask her to move in with me. Is this the feeling of nervous?" He was mortified just by reminding himself. "But there is a 99.89% she will say yes so I am ready."

the Super was just laughing. She never saw Brainy like that, but it was pretty funny. "I'm sure too, she will say yes."

Both left the ship and saw Alex and Lena talking. "Lena looks nervous, is she okay?" Asked Brainy. Kara looked at him, smiling ridiculous "Yeah, she's nervous seeing my mother and cousin ...annnddd nephew. Oh and seeing Lois."

"Oh tell Lois and Clark congrats from me and send my greetings to Alura." Brainy said excited. "Will do. Thanks Brainy for helping me." The Super said.

"Hey Kara. Is the ship ready to go?" Asked the director. "Oh and I'm sending my hello to everybody there." Kara was just smiling and nodded.

"You ready to go babe?" Asked the Kryptonian. Lena was nervous, but was ready. "Yes love, I am." as she grabbed Kara's hand. They hugged Alex and Brainy bye, and went into the ship. The Luthor was amazed how the ship was built. The blonde started the ship and waved goodbye to her friends. They were leaving earths atmosphere. Lena held Kara's hand tight, still afraid to let go. As they were in space Kara stood up and grabbed a few snacks. The raven haired woman did the same and roamed around the ship with Kara. "Love this ship is amazing." She said while she looked at the controls. "Thank you babe. i built it with the help of the Legion." Lena's jaw dropped to the floor. "And here I thought you were a reporter, CEO and hero."

The Kryptonian chuckled. She kissed Lena soft and smiled. "I was a science prodigy on Krypton, so engineering wasn't that hard for me. But I always wanted to write things, so that's why I became a reporter. Oh and my father was a scientist, If you want you can check out his lab. I am sure he would really like you, well he does already. He told me when I was still dead."

The Luthor looked at the Super in awe. She loves her and was so thankful to haver her. "I can't wait to see a part from Krypton and your family." She said totally excited. They went into a room that was quite large and laid on the bed and cuddled. "Me too babygirl. We should take a rest. the trip is about 2 hours." Said Kara as she stroked Lena's hair. They got comfortable and fell asleep.

1 hour 40 minutes later

Kara was already up for about 20 minutes. She saw the time and knew to wake up her girlfriend and prepare for landing. "Hey babygirl, it's time to get up. We will be there in about 15 minutes." In an instant the Luthor woke up, she smiled and kissed Kara, full with love. Both stood up and got into the control room. From afar they saw already Argo and Lena was amazed how beautiful it looked. As the ship got nearer a gravity force took the in. They landed safely and Kara sent a signal to the DEO to let them know. Kara took their bags and Lena's hand. the Super had her powers, because she doesn't need a yellow sun anymore. Doors opened and they saw Clark, Lois, Alura and baby Jonathan. Kara literally ran with them using her superspeed and hugged the tight. "hey guys! I've missed you so much."

They broke the hug and Lena went to greet everybody. She didn't say a word because all of them hugged her too. The Luthor fell into the embrace and was on the verge of crying. Alura spoke up: "It's so nice to finally meet you Lena. Kara has told me so much about you."

Lena smiled back. "It's also nice to meet you Miss Zor-El."

"Oh please call me Alura." Said the woman and the Luthor nodded. Alura looked at Kara and asked. "Kara why do you have your powers? Shouldn't the red sun have dampened them?" Kara knew this will come and looked at all their confused faces except for Lena. She again used her mind power to explain and within a second all made an 'O'. Clark went to both women and hugged them. "So you are the goddess of hope? How's my dad?" The older Super was worried. The younger Super saw it. "He's doing good and is in peace. Kal...he is so proud of you." She said, laying her hand on his shoulder. Clark let a tear of happiness out, knowing is father was watching over him. Then Kara looked at her mother. "Ieiu, father is also in peace and is happy." Alura nodded and hugged her again. The Luthor and Super saw Lois and baby Jonathan. They went to hug her and the young Kryptonian. "May I hold him?" Asked Lena. She was in total awe. That child looked so cute and she noticed he has his fathers eyes. All of them went to Alura's home to eat dinner. All of them were catching up about their lives and Kara was happy to see Lena was doing well with her family. Baby Jonathan was smiling the whole time and made Kara's heart melt. As the they were done Lena, Lois and Alura cleaned the dishes. Clark and Kara went upstairs, with baby Jonathan.

Lois finally spoke up. "Kara is lucky to have you Lena. I knew already you would be the one for her. Always when I visited her, she wouldn't stop talking about you. Now I know why." Lena blushed hard and knew Lois meant every word. "Thank you Lois. You and Clark seem to be very happy. Congrats by the way with the baby. He's a perfect mix of both of you. I would say all the girls will go crazy on him. He's such a gentleman." All three laughed. Alura and Lena were still cleaning and Lois went to bed still tired from the pregnancy.

"You know Lena. Just so you know, if you want to marry my daughter one day, you have my blessing. I know you will take care of her and both of you do really love each other. I'm happy that she found you." Lena felt a tear rolling down her cheeks. "Thank you Alura. This means a lot to me." They both hugged. after cleaning Alura showed Lena her house, and she was impressed. They both talked for awhile, talking about Krypton and Kara's childhood. Lena yawned hard. "You should go rest, Kara is upstairs, tell her to rest too. You both had a long trip." Said Alura softly and Lena nodded. she went upstairs and planned to scare Kara, but the stumped into a conversation between Kara and Clark.

"Kara you are a natural mother, Jon never sleeps that fast." Said Clark amazed. The blonde smiled as she was holding Jonathan. "i used to do that to you when you were born. You were not an easy child Kal, seriously. You always pulled my hear and screamed like crazy, but mostly because you were happy." Both Supers laughed. Clark wanted to ask Kara something, but wasn't sure, but he took the courage to ask: "Hey Kar. Are you and Lena planning on having kids." As Lena heard that her heart sped up. she wanted kids, but didn't know if Kara wanted too. The blonde looked at Clark smiling. "I do want kids. I don't know if Lena wants to have, but it has always been my dream to have kids of my own. But if she doesn't want, I will respect that. I want to build a family of my own and seeing little mini Lena's and me running around like crazy. I want to marry lena one day to make her mine forever. Since we met, I knew i want to marry her and build a future with her and a family." Lena heard every word and was crying tears of joy.

Clark and Kara hugged each other. "Just so you know Kar...I give you my blessings to marry Lena one day." The older Super said and smiled. Kara was crying, just happy to have the support from her family. The young Super laid baby Jon in his bed and both Khryptonians left the room. Lena heard them leaving the room, so she ran downstairs. She sat on the sofa acting like she never heard anything. Kara and Clark were downstairs and said goodnight, they even said goodnight to Alura. The blonde saw Lena and gave a kiss. "Wanna go to sleep?" She got an answer with a huge yawn from the Luthor. "Okay then let's go." They both went out of the house and Lena was totally confused. "Umm darling where are we going?" She asked. The Super totally forgot to tell her. "Did I mention I have my own house here?" Lena's eyes went really wide. "No you never did." They both walked to the house next to Alura's and the Door had the House of El crest on it. Kara opened the door with a weird looking key, letting the Luthor enter first. She was amazed how beautiful the house was. "It's amazing Kara!" She went to kiss Kara hard and deep. The Super used her superstrenght to lift Lena and went into the bedroom. "Babe we are going to tour around the city tomorrow just so you know." She said as they changed into their pajamas. Lena used Kara's clothes and it made Kara's heart melt. They got into bed cuddled and drifted into sleep. Excited for the next day.

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