The fate of the world had been chosen, but such fate was not set to resolve itself so easily. Even the night before, opposition to this fate had made moves to fight back.
With the sun having already set, Khaexyn looked at the scene before him in dismay, his attack already foiled. Having grown in desperation, he had set off himself with some of his greatest weapons at hand to take back his family, to rescue them from the hands of his enemy. He had depended on the tracking tool installed in Sxeiva to find her, but that same tool had just recently gone dark. He could only assume that her systems had been forced to power it down, that her life was that far in danger. She rushed to where it last gave a signal, only to find nothing remained.
He checked his tools once again, having backup plans upon backup plans. He could faintly detect her nearby, but not any energy signal. This only alarmed him further. He rushed to track down the source of his signal, leading him only to a set of recently disturbed dirt. Frantic, he set about having the dirt dug up, eventually excavating a metallic arm. As panic heightened, he eventually dug up everything else. He collapsed before the mechanical remains of his love, not missing the burn marks scorching the metal.
He knew in that moment, she had been murdered.. a third attempt on her life had been set and this time had claimed its victim. Even this far away, it seems he was still unable to save his Sxeiva from tainted murderous hands. There wasn't even any sign that his dear Yhse was still alright, or if she had fallen as well. Everyone was so set on taking away everything he loved, everything he cherished. This world, it needed to change, it needed to learn from its mistake.. and he would force that painful lesson upon it. His research was making progress, but it seems the world would not idly wait for him to finish.
The rebellion, even the ones who killed his love, he had no way to find them. However, he did understand what they fought for. He had been following the records, the elites had come across the mountain and had thrown themselves in with the Rebellion, hiding among them. It was even those elites responsible for this catastrophe, eager to finish the death they had started. But if they had come all the way here, who was protecting the home they had left behind? Instead of searching for those who killed his love, he would visit upon them the same grief, and send his forces to the other side of the mountain.
The gifted elites of society, all of them had to die, all of them had to suffer for this injustice. He would then pick from those remaining who would be better fit for following his will, who would accept the new world due for them, and once the world lay in his grip, he would be free to complete his research. It pained him to have to resort to such extreme measures, but once the new world laws were set, he could find his own solitude and wait out the rest of his days, his goal then finally completed.
He returned quickly at that, and had ordered his forces to begin amassing. After the incident with his family, he had grown to suspect that some of the people working for him might not in truth have his own vision, everyone was suspect. He couldn't even find any of the maids assigned to either his wife or daughter. The two that were originally assigned to his daughter, they were executed. Everyone was suspect, unless they were aethyrnz. It seems the only ones he could fully trust right now were those he had made. Maybe he should consider having the people of the world lead by aethyrnz instead, they were far more reliable. It was for this very reason that his forces were completely aethyrnz, not a single human or elf among them.
Khaexyn himself would have to stay behind, entrusting his aethyrnz to the task. He had to determine for himself which of the people around him would betray or serve him. He also needed to keep researching, finding new ways to proceed. He was still struggling to find useful information, almost half of the data he had recovered from what Earth called 'the Internet' was stuff such as useless pictures of various fluffy pointed-ear creatures. Much of the information he found could be disturbing, but he expected that was only because it was as yet a culture he was not a part of. The fact that very little was useful for matters of war just prevailed how perfect the culture actually was, even if it did make it harder to create his own weapons of war.

Vitae Memorandum
AdventureFirst Book of the Mind - Celesi Veil Trilogy A Remembrance of one's Life, or a Life of one's Remembrance, four girls from different corners of a fantasy world's upper society are suddenly faced with memories of earth. A story of another world, these...