chapter 21

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Tony Pov

When we arrived at where we were going to campe, Kate had stopped trying to break my hand as soon as she saw Noah. Like I'd say I got a little jealous the way she literally called him out after she was so close with me on the way here, but it's all good. After like I don't know how long everyone was done setting up and everything and, well I really wanted to go in the water. Same time I went into the water Emma came......

Emma: so we're staying in the same tent as Kate and Noah
Tony: are you sure, like since kate....
Emma: it's ok and pluse I think Kate's over you like watch her now she hugged up with Noah

I watch over to where Kate was, and Emma was right Kate was hugged up with Noah, and now there actually coming in the water.......

Kate: hey guys
Emma: hey
Kate: you guys really looked cute for over there
Emma: haha.....not like you and Noah
Kate: well you know, so anyways when the place gets more dark the water glows
Emma: really
Kate: yeah like Trinidad is known for the water glowing at night, oh and for anyone wanting to know where we are, here is call Scotland Bay; yes I know I called it down the island but since growing up I aways called it that
Kd: Tony you coming with us to go fishing
Kate: dad I think Tony should stay with me and probably Noah would like to go
Renaldo: yeah let Noah come
Kd: fine, Noah you coming
Noah: yeah, later baby
Kate: you're doing like you're not coming back
Noah: well maybe not until probably 5
Kate: shut up and go before my dad change his mind
Noah: later
Tony: so what you guys going to do now
Kate: oh the fun hasn't started yet just wait until my younger cousins come in
Issac: hey Kate's long time boyfriend catch
Tony: it's started hasn't it
Kate: yep now now let's play catch

Kate had like alot of boy cousins, like I mean she wasn't lying when she said that she don't mine being around boys. We had played catch for a while, ok like probably an hour. Emma had left and went to change and well now it was me, Kate, Trinity, Ondreaz, Issac, Nova, Liam and one of Kate's next cousin that I didn't get name. Kate cousins were actually really funny, like Nova is actually the one with most of the brothers and like there always playing fighting or something. After a while of playing catch, Nova said we should play king of the sea but like I don't know how to play that game..........

Tony: Kate how ho play that game
Kate: ok guys don't start let me explain to Trinity, Ondreaz and Tony
Nova: ok
Kate: so king of the sea, is just a game we actually make up, what you have to do is just make sure that the person who is it doesn't tap you on the head and the next thing you can't come out of the water and if you get tap you're it
Tony: so if I'm it I have to try and tap someone on the head
Kate: yeah, and one last thing my cousins hit hard, now let's start.........

New characters

Renaldo Cage

Age: 18Birthday: 25/3/2008Cousin of: Kate and Nova

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Age: 18
Birthday: 25/3/2008
Cousin of: Kate and Nova

Isaac Williams

Age: 17Birthday: 7/9/2007Brother of: NovaCousin of: Kate and Renaldo

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Age: 17
Birthday: 7/9/2007
Brother of: Nova
Cousin of: Kate and Renaldo

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