Anne sat at her desk one afternoon in the Avonlea schoolhouse waiting for Gilbert while he talked to Miss Stacy. She took that time to observe how he looked concentration. He had his hands in the air as he explained something to their teacher. She liked how passionate he was about being a doctor. Gilbert secretly wanted to go to medical school instead of Queens but didn't think he would because of the money. Anne knew that he would eventually leave for medical school but it still made her sad to think about a time she wouldn't see him everyday.
He finished and the two walked to their new favorite place. The shed aka The Secret Kingdom, Anne liked to call it. Today they would work on homework. They laughed about Moodys failed attempt at talking to Ruby today. A few days before, Ruby had come up to Anne and apologized to her. Anne couldn't be happier. She felt her life was complete. Except for her crush on the tall boy next to her. Diana tried many times to get the two together but it never worked out. Anne started excepting the fact that he probably didn't like her but she still secretly like him. Gilbert on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about her. He tried telling Anne every chance he had to tell her his feelings but always got to scared.
They arrived at the shed and began their work. Ever since the discussion about Queens weeks ago, they both were motivated to work twice as hard. Gilbert sat across from Anne on the wood floor. They both would steal glances at each other when the other wasn't looking. It was like this everyday.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Josie Pye was a very jealous girl. Now that Ruby had left her she was lonely. Not that she would show it though. She had stayed home the past few days from school since Ruby yelled at her. She was embarrassed and it was all because of Anne Shirley Cuthbert.
Josie had started following the two "friends" for a while and everyday they would go to this shed. Sometimes Anne would help fix up the shed with Gilbert and sometimes it looked like they worked. This has gone on to long. Josie soon came up with a plan.
Once Anne and Gilbert had left. Josie left a note in one of the books Anne left behind. Some would be surprised to learn that Josie was quite observant, she watched the two exchange notes from time to time at school. She heard footsteps coming so she quickly ran back into the wood. She watched as Anne picked up the book she had left. The book that had Josies paper and walked back to Gilbert. Perfect, Josie thought looks like my plans happening sooner than expected.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anne was happy that night and the Cuthberts noticed that change in her. Anne came home earlier than usual and helped Marilla with dinner and than milked the cows in place of Marilla due to her having a headache. Later that night when Marilla went to bed, Matthew and Anne stayed up and talked about the new cows they had. He told her she could name them and she was over the moon about it. Matthew then sat and listened to Annes many ideas for names.
Once Anne said goodnight to Matthew, she went to her desk to write down an idea she had had. She finished her thought and went to read Pride and Prejudice, she was just about finished. After a while of reading she decided to read one more page. As she turned the page a note fell out. She smiled knowing it was from Gilbert. She went to her window since the candle at her desk at burnt out a while before. She read it and read it. She couldn't believe what it read.
Anne didn't get that much sleep that night. She was heartbroken.

Fire In the Hearts
FanfictionAnne Shirley Cuthbert has always felt a certain way for Gilbert Blythe. But what will happen to this feeling when they start getting closer outside of Avonlea school? ~Ranks~ #1- anneandgilbert #80-anne #84-annewithane #12-shirbert #43-anneshirleycu...