chapter 11

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Kate pov

     After Nova left I went to the kitchen to find Noah, Tony and Ashton, Ashton was talking about Tony carrying him to the pool  but he had on a long pants and t-shirt so I told he can't go in the pool with that on. Noah said he'd carry him upstairs and changed him. After there left Tony went to the pool and well I went along because Noah had finished up with cooking for me, by the pool Ondreaz and Trinity was making tiktok's and while they're were doing one me and Tony kinda jumped in at the same time. After we did the tiktok we were talking about how Noah could cook and then Ondreaz told Tony that his ex could cook better than his girlfriend, I want to laugh to loud but you know something had to happen and well that's when me and Tony start up arguing as usual. Trinity had told us to stop and that I should tell Tony what really happened that night or that she'd do it, but I literally just stopped caring she could tell Tony and I won't care because I have someone now. After we finished argue I got up I left and went upstairs to see what Emma was do so long.......

Kate: hey you ok
Emma: um....well I can't find a bathing suit
Trinity: you didn't pack any
Emma: yeah but I just can't find any
Kate: come to my room I'll get one for you

In Kate's room

     I went looking for and bathing suit for Emma until I heard something break that's when I noticed Emma was in a box of things that were Tony's one. When I watch in the ground it was the gift Tony gaved me fur my birthday. Everyone came rushing to see what happen after I told Emma great just, when I saw Tony came in I told Emma if she really wanted to know what was in the box she could have asked Tony. Then I told her that I was glad she broke when I noticed Tony saw what she broke, with that I left to go downstairs and get the broom to clean this up. When I came back there was no one in the room, but of course someone had to come..........

Tony: hey
Kate: what do you want Tony
Tony: I just wanted to bring this back to you

     When I look up, Tony had the gift I got him for his birthday in his hands.....

Kate: you don't want it
Tony:  well I don't think it's mine
Kate: open it, it was your birthday present

     He opened it and just watched it.....

Kate: if you don't want it give me I'll burn it

     With that I got up and went to a draw and took out a lighter, and then walked up to Tony and took the blanket and light it a fire........

Tony: fuck Kate what was that for
Kate: it's so you don't have to remember me by watching it
Tony: fuck Kate

      He left and went to my bathroom I'm guessing for water, and I was right because when he came back he throwed water on the burn blanket......

Tony: Kate did I tell you I didn't want to stupid blanket
Kate: of course you did, remember i don't want nothing from you
Tony: Kate why are you acting so STUPID
Kate: because you're an asshole who thought I cheated on you
Tony: what do you mean I saw everything, the hickey, the pic
Kate: Tony you don't know half of the Fucking story

      With that i walked out on him and went downstairs........

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