vector swerved around the courtyard grinning with a mad look in his eyes. vector quickly mentioned to the agents to take care of the helicopter and quickly spun around aiming the gun at everybody who even slightly flinched.
"LOOK AT ME!" he was twitching furiously
"ive waited my entire career to finally have all of you"
"YeW CaNT TaYKE mE LUV" hairy shouted only then following to me muffled by a nearby guard
"AHHHHHH=-==[=[[[AHHHHH-P-'-;" corona screamed
this was actually happening, this is how its gonna end! she thought to herself
They were all thrown further into the hard and cold cement below them. Their knees aching with the force of the guard holding them down.
hairy screaming into the guards hand. suddenly Vector stalked over to him with his gun clenched tightly in his hand
"I TOLD YOU TO-" vector started but was then cut off by hairy
"sHUT uP LAuV!!!"
vector had had enough of hairy and lifted hairy's head up to face himself and brought the gun under hairys head.
vector got quiet and had a mocking face of pity.
"oh yeah, oh yeah!" vector evilly smiled and said into hairy's ear
everybody knew this would be the end of hairy
vector with a heart of cold cement put his finger on the trigger. hairy was struggling to break free but vector knew he couldnt.
"you crossed a fine line, and now you will pay"
a muffled scream filled the cold courtyard
"CoROnA... c0me hEre." hairy said his voice all choked up
corona shuffled closer, with permission from the guard.
vector scoffed, "make it quick."
corona i need you to tell Y/N th-that i love her.
"no you dumb bitch i mean Y/N, her beautful messy brunette locks, her checkard vans, her blue orbs, i mean Y/N, her obliviousness to the fact that we should be in jail for illegal prostitution, her crack addicted mother" hairy was choked up with emotions.
"t-t-the time we threw her in the back of our van to be a sex slave."
he sniffed, "good times."
he smiled those were the days
vector shuffled corona away "GET AWAY YOU SCUM"
vector looked at hairy dead in the eyes about to pull the trigger
he held hairys face in a tight grip and the last thing hairy heard was the words of Vector saying a shitty Juan Erection reference
"we have a whole lot of history."
VEctor pulled the trigger..
screaming arose as the image of the deceased was forever tattooed in the minds of everybody who saw.
everybody cried with the loss of such a historical figure
before corona could process the death a great crash was heard from behind heR.
Corona Virus X Flu Virus
RomanceCorona is the new girl in town and EVERYBODY hates her!!! one day she met a real charmer by the name of Flu who knows everybody!! will he even notice her!?