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Kylo no longer would work close with Artemis. He was now on his own. Why did he feel a little relieved and yet a little disappointed. It was best he wasn't around her.

He comes back feeling drained from visiting his master, Snoke. He saw inside his head. Of course he could.

"You are plagued with weakness for a girl. A weak girl. You must kill that weakness before it becomes the end of you."

He needed to no longer be weak. So he sat in his quarters, working on his commander paperwork and ordering people around.

But his mind occasionally fell onto Artemis. He wondered what she was doing, who she was with, and when those thoughts flooded his mind, he buried himself deeper into work. He thought it was smart, doing that. But he still wanted to know who she was with.

Artemis was at the cantina. She tied up her gray tank top to show some of her stomach. She was dressed in her casuals, many did, except for the stormtroopers who just got off duty.

She sat with Yrsa and 675. They were just starting the night. Artemis kind of wished the stiff collar Matt the technician joined her. She wished to see him when he wasn't at work. Was he more bearable? Less strict? He was no fun.

She downed another shot once her ex walked in with some higher-up she didn't recognize. Yrsa gave her the look that told her he was looking her way.

Artemis groaned. "Why did he show up? He hasn't in ages and now all of the sudden! He's here!" She got up from her chair. She decided she needed another drink. She walked to the bartender, a woman who looked bored.

She slid over a credit. "Something strong, I don't care what it is!" She hollered over the music playing.

She flipped her hair off her shoulder and looked around 675 and Yrsa were cuddling and giggling. They looked so happy. She was extremely happy for them. They deserved love.

She didn't notice Ap'lek approaching her until it was too late. She tried to keep her eyes on the counter. He was a tall man, lean, dark olive skin and almond eyes. His hair jet black. Though he was off duty, he still wore all black and had his signature weapon on his hip.

"Artie," He greeted, he breath smelling of strong liquor, making her stomach turn. "Maybe you should slowdown."

She stared up at him as she received her drink. "You don't get to tell me what to do, not then and definitely not now." She replied roughly. "Go back to your Master. You'll be more of use licking his boot than here."

"I just want to talk, I don't want to fight." He followed her as she maneuver between officers.

She stopped and looked at him as she took a quick sip, instantly regretting it. It tasted awful. Like acid. "You're getting one of those and it's not talking if you keep following me."


"Don't call me that!" She hissed roughly. "Don't ever call me that." She walked away and this time he didn't follow.

She sat back at her table and slid her drink to 675 who drank it happily. Yrsa frowned at her friend. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Artemis replied, before taking a gulp from Yrsa's glass. "We're over, it's not happening again. He wanted to talk. Well I'm not talking. Last time it led to me taking him into my room. Never again. I'm done with him."

"Good!" Yrsa cheers to that. "I'll get you a drink you'll actually like." She got up and left the two.

Artemis scanned the room, her eyes glazed over the entrance, until she saw blond hair. Her face visibly lit up. She waved her arms frantically for Kylo to spot her. He just couldn't resist the weak girl. He watched her frailing her arms in the air at him. Her top showing her stomach, he would soon see if she had freckles there too. He entered the cantina. Instantly feeling out of place and exposed. But he entered and walked passed people to join the table, nodding his head at 675. Artemis gave him a hug, surprising him, but he smelled alcohol on her and knew she was drunk. She smiled big at him.

"I'm so happy you came!" She beamed. He melted into her blue eyes as her face lit up.

"I had nothing better to do." He shrugged, though she spot he wasn't necessarily telling the truth and he appreciated that.

Yrsa came back and greeted him before sliding a drink to Artemis. The ginger grabbed his arm and it felt like electricity. "Want to dance? Or a drink? Want a drink?"

He couldn't help but smirk at her. "No, I don't need a drink." He felt his throat go dry when she bat her eyelashes at him as she took a sip of her new drink. His stomach felt  fluttery.

She looked at the band and spot Ap'lek looking beyond shocked. He went pale and seemed conflicted. He knew that was Master Ren, he knew his face and had guarded as he left for his mission. What was he doing in disguise with Artemis? Why did she throw herself at him? What feeling was allowed?

She noticed his face of confusion and huffed before looking at Kylo. "Over there is my ex-boyfriend. His name is Ap'lek." Kylo was sure he heard her wrong. "A knight for fucking Kylo Ren." She slurred. "He missed my birthday because he was on a mission, but never got me a gift! Just sex, boring sex." She went to drink from her cup but Yrsa grabbed it. "Hey!"

"This was a bad idea. No more for you." Yrsa replied, sliding the drink away from Artemis, she pouted like a child.

Ap'lek walked across the room. Kylo watched him approach, what could he do? If Kylo wanted her, he'd get her. He was his master, he had no power.

He sat up straighter when Ap'lek approached the table. Yrsa and 675 didn't know what to do.

"Artemis," Ap'lek greeted calmly. "Can I talk to you, in private?"

"No, sorry, but no." Yrsa spoke up.

"Yeah! No!" Artemis spoke up.

"Artemis, please." He begged.

"Let her be." Kylo spoke up.

Ap'lek tightened his jaw and forced a nod. He glanced at pleading look at Artemis but left. She grabbed Kylo's hand, it was rough and calloused.

"Let's dance!" She pulled him with her. He never danced and didn't plan on starting. He really didn't want to do it. But he followed the girl.

"I-I don't know how to dance." He admitted, with flushed cheeks.

"Neither do I!" She giggled. "Just do whatever you want. I typically just do this." She started dancing, bobbing to the music. Causing Kylo to crack a grin.

"You're so cute when you smile." She reached up and pat his cheek. He lightly grabbed her wrists and removed her hands. He was a bit flustered. He was out of his element.

She wrapped her arms around him and grabbed his hands to wrap around her. They just swayed, not on beat at all. But he felt very warm and comfortable with her. He rubbed his thumb over her back. Her stomach had an equal amount of freckles as the rest of her.

He noticed Ap'lek watching them closely, he looked torn. But Kylo felt a sense of power in having what he didn't.

He looked down at the ginger, she was smiling up at him and he had a sudden urge to kiss her, but he fought himself. He didn't give into those desires. Remaining to have the little bit of strength he still possessed to not smash his lips against hers.

He wasn't sure how long they danced for but eventually they walked back to the table. He felt himself fall deeper into the hole he created than out. This would be the last time he sees her. He'll be close to her.

"We won't be working closely anymore." He stated.

She frowned. "I know." She started to tear up and he didn't expect that. "I'll miss bothering you!"

"Don't mind her, she's drunk." 675 spoke up.

"Promise me you'll visit me!" She begged. "I'll stop by to see you. Maybe have lunch with me."

"If I can." He found himself saying.

She smiled big at him. "I think we became friends." She grabbed his hand sweetly.

Looking at that hand on his, he loved it. He didn't hate her, no matter how much he should. He didn't. He liked her, he liked her a lot. He liked the weak girl who's a fantastic technician and who is secretly very alone.

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