Phone Calls

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I got a text from Lucy around noon.

Face time me Charming. :)- Lucy

I smiled. "Zayn's going to face time Lucy!" Louis shouted. Everyone came running into the room. I sighed.

"Guys.." i started.

"Ain't leavin mate." said Harry. He took my phone and dragged the small table over. It had a potted plant on it. He quickly answered Lucy's call and propped up the phone on the plant. We all piled onto the couch best as we could.

"Hey! Oh good all of you are there!" she said smiling brightly. She was sitting there with Katelyn who was munching away at something and bending over between the two was a curly headed boy. Kind of reminded me of Harry.

"Hey!" said Louis. We looked at him but he was pointing at Harry next to him. "How are you over here and there!" he said as serious and confused as possible. Everyone laughed.

"Ay i don't look like him." said Harry.

"Yeah i look better." said the curly head boy on the screen.

"Ooo! Burn!" said Katelyn and Lucy laughing. We all laughed again. I wonder who this was. Was it Jason? I didn't think they would make up that quickly. I mean they were best friends but still. Lucy was pretty upset yesterday.

"Anyways." said Lucy trying not to laugh.

"This is Nick you guys! The one i told you about last time who was going on a date with Katelyn." she said putting her arm around Nick making him hunch over a little more.

"Nice to meet ya." said Nick.

"Likewise." Liam replied. We all nodded and smiled. Except Niall who looked a bit upset but was still beaming at Katelyn.

"He's been about the best friend ever and he's only been my friend for technically a day." said Lucy messing up his hair.

"Ay!" he said fixing it and sitting in between them.

"Awesome little boy became her new Jason." said Katelyn hugging his side. He slung her arm over her.

"Had to. Or this one would kill me." he said poking Katelyn's side. I smiled. So i guess nothings weren't as bad as she thought.

"Oh no. Things are bad." said Katelyn. I blinked at her surprised before i realized Liam had asked if everything was going ok. I'd already told them about the hell Lucy thought she was going to get from this so called 'friend' Jason of hers. "

"Was locked in the closet." said Lucy nodding.

"What!" i exclaimed.

"Calm down Charming. Nick got me out. Wasn't in there long." she said smiling at my concern.

"Who did it!?" asked Niall concerned.

"My sister. I believe her exact words were 'You having fun running around with this new "boyfriend" of yours." she said putting air quotes around boyfriend "Well let me tell you something. He's using you. He's going to dump you, and I'm going to make him. It's Friday the 13th bitch. And you've just run out of luck. Then she slammed the door in my face." said Lucy shrugging with a little smile.

"I hope you don't believe that." i said.

"Not like you said it." she said shrugging a bit sadly.

"Well." said Katelyn. "We don't need your presence anymore Nick. You may leave." she said a bit commandingly.

"Why thank ya m'lady." he said getting up and bowing. They laughed. "I'll see you guys after lunch." he said walking away. "Bye guys!" he said waving.

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