:.Stone cold pacifist.:

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(Alright then everyone. This is the last chapter to this story- so then, I would like to thank all of my readers for their support as I wrote this <3 And also, this is the final chance for the poll that I am putting out. Which large story do you guys want next for Sans x Reader? The same ones are still available for this!: Underswap Sans, Jevil, Mafia Sans. Be sure to vote so that I can write the next story asap!  I also wanted to make one final art piece- which you will find further into the story hehe. It was a bit rushed, but still decent enough. Enjoy!~)

---No One's Pov---

After Sans finally managed to find (Y/n), he brought her to the Underground where his house still was. Papyrus was somewhat confused by what happened, and no matter how many times he tried to heal his brother... Sans would snap and leave.

After about two months of having the hole in his skull, the wound finally became permanent. Papyrus, who felt very lost without his brother, moved back Underground.

Toriel managed to speak with Papyrus and asked him to give her frequent updates on (Y/n). Since she was no older than six years, the motherly Monster felt that she was put in danger by being with Sans who increasingly grew erratic.

However, Papyrus rarely got to see her... and that alone was very concerning to the former Queen.

One day, Toriel decided that it was time for a visit. She came into the Underground with her child, Frisk. They didn't know what to expect from Sans, especially since he was apparently shutting himself and (Y/n) out from the rest of the world.

Last week was the last time that Papyrus had seen Sans. He mentioned that Undyne was coming over for their cooking lessons- but Sans became extremely aggressive over the idea, and in a fit of rage, summoned his sharpened bones throughout the house.

Paps was baffled... even if the attack was not aimed at him, it was still very unlike his brother. Thankfully, (Y/n) came in the room to calm him down with very little difficulty. The taller skeleton was able to get a look at her, seeing that she was wearing one of Sans' white shirts- clearly oversized on her petite body.

With the piece of clothing being too large on her, it fell down past her bitten shoulder to reveal the mark that she had gotten three months ago. It was still healing from how long he had his sharp teeth in her, and the scars that it would leave would be forever noticeable... even if she tried to cover it up with makeup.

For the most part, Papyrus was use to distinguishing his brother by the very make up of his Soul- that was a common thing among skeletons. However, since the makeup of the Soul was a high consistency of magic... he could no longer tell (Y/n) and Sans apart. Since she was still so small, Sans' magic overran her body from the bite... 

Something like that among Monsters was seen more as an attack, and less of an affectionate gesture. In the end, Papyrus couldn't imagine his brother acting out like that on such a small Human... he always considered him too lazy to do anything. But after that head injury, his personality became much more dark.

Sure, he'd still tell the odd pun when he wasn't hiding in his room or something... but being around Sans put anyone on edge. There was just something about him that wasn't right.

---Frisk's Pov---

It took awhile to successfully get into the Underground again. I tried to ask Toriel to not come down here, that we shouldn't mess with Sans- but she was set on trying to help (Y/n).

I couldn't simply tell her that (Y/n) and Sans were together in a different timeline, because that wouldn't seem believable. And in all honesty? Since this was my last Reset, I was trying to do everything in my power to make Sans normal.

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