👑 16th May 2020👑
Single and Happy
Well.. Any one who knows me knows I'm single as a pringle.. and please it isn't my fault that Mr right hasnt come along all these time *smirk*
Honestly speaking..
I was totally fascinated.. cleanly bowled with the idea of finding someone, falling step by step to the point of drowning and staying in love life long till the age of 15 and then.. hello..life happened..Being with the set of donkey friends I've got now.. I doubt if ill ever mingle😂😂😂
I've never been in a relationship the whole of my life, just big crushes here and there on almost all the fictional guys .. but being the cupid and being the anchor holding the love of my friends taught me reality well.. besides I've always been an allergic with endearment and cheesinesss.. everything as far as its within the limit is always beautiful.. a sprinkle of affection here and there is the sweetness that I'd die for.. but being amidst my friends and their romances made me gag..
And I also believe I will never be able to fall in love with someone blindly ( I want reality.. ) that too on the cost of my deen? On the cost of jannah.. deliberately eating up the serenity and love of my lord by wronging him.. nayyy I'm good..
I ain't being selfish but I dont trust on myself to the point that imma love someone to the point of destroying my after life nopey nopey nope I'm really good
I'm not allergic to love nor hate but more only particular one makes me swoon.. the right one.. the one meant to be .. so as far as I find that I prefer to be single as a pringle.. and I do deeply doubt which type of a soul could even literally be with..
Pringles.. yum yummSo the question for the day..
What indeed is love to you??