23- Meet Me in The 1800's

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"There are two great days in a persons life. The day we are born, and the day we realize why."

-William Barclay


There are two kinds of people on birthdays. There is the one buzz-kill who is super concerned about being older then her immortal boyfriend, and doesn't want any presents because of her sadness. And then there is the one who has loved birthdays since her first one, and basically lives for the concept of cake.

Guess which one I am!

"Bella!" I cried, bounding down the stairs and giggling as I hugged my twin. "Happy birthday!"

"For you." She grumbled as I danced out of the window, feeling like Alice Cullen. Alice Cullen, my best friend, and honorary sister. Dating my other best friend, Sadie Michaels. Very pretty, very short, and very much a vampire. "Jasper is technically nineteen."

"Jasper is technically 160- something." I corrected. "And Edward is pretty close."

Bella grumbled something under her breath, and I rolled my eyes. "Come on, loser! We're eighteen! It's our senior year, last year in this hellhole before we can go and do something with our lives! Or not, you know, I have never been that smart."

Bella snorted, climbing into the drivers seat since I am supposed to be emotionally scarred from getting into a "car crash" last year.

"Come on!" I held up the camera Charlie got us. He always gets us gifts together. I got the camera, she got the photo-book. I snapped a picture of Bella's pouting face. "Happy birthday to the Swan Twins!"

"Shut up." Bella grumbled as we pulled up into the small driveway of our school. I hate this school. It's small and full of annoying people. I have gotten closer to Bella's group of friends, since Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie left last year. It is weird, not seeing jasper all day. Still, I do see him every day. And since Sadie moved here with her family, she is always wanting to see Alice.

"What's up, losers?" I called, exiting the truck. Jessica stuck up her middle finger in my direction, while Eric ran up and bowed. "I believe it is two very special girls birthday today!"

"It's not the Sprouse Twins birthday!"

Eric chuckled as Bella came over, still looking depressed. "That bitch isn't in the proper spirit."

"Come on, Bella! Show us a smile!" Mike urged like the loyal puppy he is.

"Hey guys!" I pulled out my camera from my backpack. "Our dad wants us to take pictures of senior year, or something like that, so wanna pose?"

"I take them I don't pose for them." Angela tried, but Bella grabbed the camera from my hands, saying that she would take it. I ran over to wrestle Angela into the frame.

"Don't worry guys, I'm in the picture, nobodies gonna be looking at you!" Eric cried, and we all giggled, striking poses as Bella clicked the button.

"You're getting old." Jessica noted, ruffling my hair in attempts to be annoying. "I mean, you sure Hale will still want to date you when you're old and gray?"

"We all age, Jess." I teased. "hey, how's Mike?"

"Asshole!" Jessica lunged forward as we play-wrestled like a bunch of puppies slapping each others hands like children. "Oh, sorry was that a bad time?"

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