Mark Dies

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Richard: "What do we got?" he asks coming into the ER and being handed a clipboard quickly looking through it "Alright let's page Rivers."

Nurse: "Oh sorry sir. Dr. Rivers said she won't be answering pages today."

Richard: "Do you know where she is?"

When Sky wakes up she blinks her eyes and sees a blurry Bailey standing next to her giving her a small smile

Bailey: "Hey. Hey you're alright." she grabs her hand

Sky: "Mar...Mar... Mark." she rasps out before it becomes clear what she's trying to say to Bailey

Bailey: "He's being taken care of. He's stable for now. Don't you worry. Now you're about to go in for a splenectomy. It can't wait til we get back to Seattle. Infection has already started."

Sky: "Okay." she gulps

Bailey: "Now Mark is stable but he is unconscious. You'll need a proxy in case anything happens during surgery."

Sky: "You" she thinks after a moment before looking at her "I choose you."

Bailey: "Okay" she nods "Okay."

Sky: "And what color is this?" she asks holding a card up for Hayes to see as he sits in front of her

Hayes: "Bl-ue." he babbles

Sky: "That's right. Good job. And what about this?"

Hayes: "Red!"

Sky: "Red. That's right." she smiles at him

Richard: "Sky." he comes over to where there sitting in the daycare

Sky: "What do you want?" she sighs not looking at him

Richard: "Just wanted to let you know, we're all set for tonight. Unless you had some questions or concerns."

Sky: "I don't."

Richard: "Anything I can do for you in the meantime?"

Sky: "You could not do it."

Richard: "That's not what he wanted."

Sky: "Right" she scoffs while rolling her eyes "What he wanted."

Richard: "I know you need someone to project your emotions onto but-"

Sky: "I'm not projecting anything on you. He was doing fine. He was hopeful. And then after one conversation with you everything goes downhill. I'm directing my emotions to the right place." she glares at him

Richard: "Sky-" he sighs

Sky: "Did you even try to convince him? Convince him to fight? Did you tell him of all the people he would be leaving behind? Huh? His friends, his family, his wife...his kids" she looks over at Hayes with tears in her eyes "His kids who are never going to know him. They're only gonna know him from the pictures they'll see and the stories we tell them because they're too young to have any memories of him. They won't have any moments with him. Did you tell him that?" she looks up at Richard who gives her a soft look before shaking her head and looking back down at Hayes "Just leave. Please."

Richard: "Okay. Um...5:00."

Sky: "Okay" she blankly says before clearing her throat and putting a smile back on her face for Hayes and holds up a toy "What's this? What's this?"

Bailey: "Alright how we doing?" she asks walking beside a panting Sky as they walk down the halls

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