Oh Hold. . .

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Hey guys, I'm super super sorry but i have to do this just for a little bit. I need to put this story on hold for a little bit. Only for a few days because I love this story but I have so many ideas for "Y.O.L.O" and if you haven't read it yet, go read it! Okie, I love you all for the support and now imma put some cute pictures and memes for you to look at :) !

O" and if you haven't read it yet, go read it! Okie, I love you all for the support and now imma put some cute pictures and memes for you to look at :) !

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*Why does Payton look so short here when he's like 5'10 / 5'll lmao*

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*Why does Payton look so short here when he's like 5'10 / 5'll lmao*

*Why does Payton look so short here when he's like 5'10 / 5'll lmao*

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Okie that's it, see ya soon babes!

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Okie that's it, see ya soon babes!

My Neighbor [Payton Moormeier] Where stories live. Discover now