f i v e • trip to the convenience store (I)

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Inarizaki Cafeteria

— o s a m u —

FOR THE FIRST TIME in a long while, Osamu felt really sorry for Toragaoka's wing spiker. He knew Atsumu was scheming something the moment he saw his brother lips curl into a sly smile as they watched Toragaoka's match. He didn't want to hear any of it, which was why he simply resorted to trashing his pride by shaming him infront of everyone.

     A rather extreme measure to deal with an annoying sibling, but he had to deal with Bratty 'Tsumu's crap twenty-fours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year for the past seventeen years of his life. So he thought his actions were pretty justifiable.

     Osamu could tell Atsumu wanted to mess with Choyo. His brother was irritating like that. But he didn't know what did she do to get him to eye her like a lion circling its prey. He didn't even look at his past 2748299 girlfriends like how he did with Choyo.

     Actually no, scratch that. That was an awful comparison and is disrespecting Choyo-san.

     Pity welled up in his chest as he watched the first year wing spiker squirm uncomfortably in her seat, trying her best to eat her bento while being bombarded with questions from Atsumu. She could have been having a nice meal with her teammates instead of being stuck here with his team. The poor girl was so awkward Osamu felt the urge to swoop in and relief her of her misery.

     "Hey hey, Choyo-chan, how does it feel to have Shoyo-kun as your twin?"

"Hey, Choyo-chan, who do you think is the cooler volleyball player, me or 'Samu?"


Osamu groaned and leaned back against his chair in frustration. After a few second, he sat up and kicked Atsumu right in his no-no zone, causing him to clutch that area and let out a girly scream. "Can you just shut yer' fuckin' trap, 'Tsumu?"

"What is your damn problem, 'Samu? What you gotta do that for?!" he hissed back.

    Ignoring his outburst, Osamu turned to Choyo, who looked like she was about to pass out from exhaustion of handling Atsumu's presence for the past ten minutes. "Choyo-san, ya can really just go if you don't wanna stay. 'Tsumu is bein' a dickhead right now, so ya don't have to entertain him."

"Osamu's right, Hinata," Suna chimed in. "Atsumu's just being irritating."

"Awww, why you gotta do me like that!" Atsumu whined. "Y'all should be on my side!"

Choyo, still maintaining her polite demeanour, shook her head. "It's alright, Miya-san. I don't mind staying."

     Lies. He could tell she wanted to get away so bad, but being the polite girl she was around people she didn't know, she probably thought it was rude to just leave like that. Even back at Itobe Ramen, when she and Atsumu had a stand off, she was still rather polite, considering the circumstances. People would normally end up cursing or something, but she simply chose and crafted her words carefully that they sounded more objective than being rude.

     Osamu glanced sideways at Atsumu, and judging by how he was smirking now, his twin was thinking the same thing, and was using it to his advantage.

After thirty minutes of torture, Choyo finished her food, bid them goodbye and sprinted right out of the cafeteria and Osamu wondered if she was going to have nightmares of this day for the rest of her life.

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