As a child, y/n always heard voices. And rarely, he swears he saw someone. He was abused by his father and siblings. Sometimes his uncles and cousins did as well but for unknown reasons. He never got...
It was late in the night of Menagerie. The city was engulfed in flames as buildings collapse. Dead corpses of Faunus, of both adults and children, littered the streets. The remaining living Faunus were running to the docks in panic and confusion as Templar were killing any unlucky Faunus who were left behind. None of the residents of the island knew why the Templars were there or attacking. They just showed up and began to bring carnage to the people.
In one alleyway, two young Faunus were running away from two Templars in black.
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The Templars were shooting arrows at the crying children with their crossbows. But due to the flames and smoke everywhere, they had a hard time hitting their targets.
"Damnit!" One shouts.
"How difficult is it to kill two children?!" The other yells.
As they were too focused on the children, the Templars didn't notice an eagle flying above them in the air, shrieking. Somewhere else, a person in a black robe was running across rooftops, closing the gap between them and the Templars. They had a hood on, hiding his identity.
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On his back was a strange sword made from an unknown material.
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