Cyn chuckled, "Wouldn't surprise me." She stood up, "I'm going outside."
"For what?" Ang asked her sis.
"To see what I can see, Ang."
"I'll go too," I said.
Angie had a worried look on her face, "Please don't."
"Ang, I'm just going out back for some air. Don't worry," Cynthia said.
"Yeah right," Angie scoffed.
"Come with me then."
"Nope. You stay here."
"Aww. You two are making me miss my foster family," I said.
"Really?" Cyn asked me.
"Fuck no."
Cynthia and I moved the exam table from the back door and we cautiously stepped outside.
"Okay, Reid, where do you think that asshole is hiding out?" Cynthia asked me.
I pointed to the block across the street to our right, "I'm pretty sure he's around there," I answered. "That's where I saw him run off, Cyn."
"Hm. Interesting. Wanna go for a walk with me?"
"Not really."
"I'm not in the mood to get shot today, Cynthia." Getting a hernia, getting shot, it's things like that that just ruin my week.
"We won't go very far."
"Especially if Carter shoots the hell out of us."
Cynthia was trying not to smile. "I just love your 'can do' attitude, Reid."
"Thanks." Before I could turn around and go back inside, Cynthia grabbed me by my right wrist and pulled me down the alley. "What are you doing?"
"What's it look like?"
"Hopefully taking me someplace private for a little 'alone time,'" I replied, giving Cyn a wink.
Cynthia frowned at me, "Down boy."
I have no idea why I didn't just stop walking with Cyn. I could have just pulled my hand away and told her to piss off. But, I figured there was no stopping her and I guess I didn't want her getting into some shit all by herself.
The house across the street from the office was a plain, white bungalow. The front door was closed and the windows were intact. The window to the right of the front door had its dark red curtains down.
Cynthia and I approached the house cautiously. "I doubt Carter's lurking this close to us," I whispered.
"You're probably right about that, Reid," Cyn replied. "But let's just check it out."
I sighed, "Fine."
"Don't be scared."
"Sorry, I left my courage in my other pants, Cyn."
Before Cynthia and I walked up to the front door, I looked around to see if there were any biters outside enjoying this lovely morning. All I could see was a single dead thing a few blocks away from us, and she was busy stumbling around a street corner to notice Cynthia and I.
"So, what are we doing here, Cynthia?" I asked.
"I just want to see if any of these nearby homes are Carter's hideout," Cyn answered.
The Rot: Book 2
HorrorIt's been seven months since the undead apocalypse began. Reid Abrams and his friends are trying to get by as best they can, surviving one day at a time. While searching for supplies, Reid encounters a new survivor that tells him of a community of p...
Chapter 22
Start from the beginning