TheCount123_Dookuu62: Hack the zabrak, it could have been a jedi.
General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: OK 🆗 wait im going to post a picture
General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids HAS POSTED A PICTURE
General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Dont i look sooo cool
PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: I look cooler right now then you ever have
PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42 POSTED A PICTURE
PalPaTine_RulerOfSith_ChancellorIRL42: I look scarier than you fool.
DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: You ALL are fools. I AM the coolest AND look the coolest.
DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73 POSTED A PICTURE
TheCount123_Dookuu62: I surely do look the coolest
TheCount123_Dookuu62 POSTED A PICTURE
Star Wars- The Phone Chat
HumorThe Characters from Star Wars have made a chat, and have bewn assigned to make vlogs, as they go on fun adventures. I do not own Star Wars, Enjoy :)
General Grievous And Order 66
Start from the beginning