General Grievous And Order 66

Start from the beginning

Palpatine walked passed Grievous, Palpatine was going to kill the 4 jedi. "General Grievous. Why the kriff are you here, killing those expensive battle droids." Palpatine said angrily, "Oopsie." Grievous said, Palpatine was very mad. "Go back to the ship." Palptine said, "Yay" Grievous said and went back to the ship. Little did Grievous know Palpatine was going to promote him to horrible sith.

Sith Ranks

Very Good Perfect Amazing Great Sith- Palpatine

Amazing Very Good Sith- Count Dooku

Amazing Great Sith- Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress

Great Sith- (No one)

Good Sith- (No one)

Bad Sith- (No One)

Horrible Sith- General Grievous

Terribly Horrible Worst Very Bad Sith- (No one)

Traitor- Darth Maul

Grievous got back to the ship and was bored. He went on his phone.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Yo

IAmVentressASAJJ48OwnerOf2RedLightsabers_IAmSithComfirmed: 🙄

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: Everyone shut up, weaklings.

TheCount123_Dookuu62: It's a group chat for a reason.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: Yea maul u r dumb lol lol 

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: Me? Dumb? You are you weak droid. You died, you are weak. Count Dooku had to revive you. Your just a droid, you hate battle droids, but your just like them. You should be promoted to Terribly Horrible Worst Very Bad Sith. You do nothing for the sith. But me? I have helped the sith, I have done the most work for the sith. Everyone should be thanking ME. I am the superior one to all you weaklings. You are the equivalent of younglings. You do nothing to help the sith. Not only am I surely the most powerful sith, I am the ruler of a whole country, the superior Mandalore, Mandalore has became stronger, because of it's strong leader. I also have the death watch that could kill you in a second, droid. May I also mention, I have a DOUBLE red bladed lightsaber, AND a darksaber. Darksabers are rare, NONE of you here could get them, you are ALL weak sith. None of you could even beat PRE VISLA, I did. I am the future ruler of the sith, you will all worship me as your leader, I will be the one to destroy all the jedi. I will be the one to make us win this war, not 'Palpatine'. He is weak like the rest of you. I am the only TRUE sith here. YOU ARE ALL DUMB, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE SITH. WHEN I BECOME THE LEADER OF THE SITH, I WILL KILL YOU ALL.

IAmVentressASAJJ48OwnerOf2RedLightsabers_IAmSithComfirmed: 😐

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: DO NOT TYPE EMOJIS YOU CHILD. 

IAmVentressASAJJ48OwnerOf2RedLightsabers_IAmSithComfirmed: I am NOT a child 

DarthMall_MandalorianRULER_OwnerOfDarkSaberAndDoubleRedBladedLihtsaber_Sith73: ZABRAK?

Zabrak: 👍


TheCount123_Dookuu62: That was unusual.

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: yea like zabrak joined and like put a thumbs up emoji

General_General_Grievous_Grievous5_4LightsabersOwnerComfirmed86IDoNotLikeBattleDroids: iiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bbbbbbbbooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeedddddd

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