Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick, Justin, Kyle, Carlos, Mike, Nurse Canter, Headmaster Jeremy Mickels, Hunfrith, Olwen, Huffie, Sorsek, Bilik, Fossum, Lars, Sven, David Suttington and Darius Prescott) are entirely my own.
What was a three person reunion on Sunday, turned into an eight person one on Monday. Katherine and Elisa had spent most of the day in the kitchen preparing a large dinner for the eight of them, while Christoph and Severus sat down with the four children to discuss any question the kids may have had about who Sev and Katherine really were. After four long hours of answer question after question, mainly from the Fuerst boys, the women announced dinner was ready.
Severus was greatly relieved that the three Fuerst children were well behaved. He silently observed each of them over dinner, watching their actions and reactions to comments and movements alike. There was no doubt in Severus' mind that his own son would have been placed in Slytherin. The boy was cunning, intelligent and ambitious, but he was also loyal and kind-hearted, like his mother. He spoke highly of his professors when asked about school, and talked well of his classmates, never once gossiping or ridiculing or belittling others.
Helena, Christoph and Elisa's eldest child, was even easier to read. Ravenclaw would have suited her. Loyal, intelligent, caring, polite and quick witted. He also couldn't help but notice the way the young witch had gradually inched her chair closer to his son's all throughout the meal. Occasionally, their hands or arms would brush against each other, causing both teenagers' faces to redden slightly.
Heinrich, or Henry, who was Elisa and Christoph's middle child, seemed to be suited for Gryffindor. He was well mannered and, what it seemed, a bit mischievous. But the boy was also brave. Unlike his younger brother, Henry fired off question after question towards Severus, not even caring that he had only met the elder wizard a few hours before; and in return the boy seemed to hang onto every word he said.
Johan Nicklaus, or Nick, was a different story. Unlike his brother, he was quiet and patient, as well as honest and friendly. But Severus was intrigued with the boy once he got him talking. After a few questions about school and classes, the boy perked up and showed that he was dedicated to his studies and bright. Severus knew then that the boy would have more than likely been placed in Hufflepuff.
Analyzing the four children in front of him made Severus wonder what the child inside of Katherine would be like. Silently he hoped for a daughter. A little girl that looked like her mother and had both of their intelligence and ambition. A little girl with ice blue eyes and Katherine's smile.
Katherine's smile.
Severus hadn't failed to notice that Katherine's true smile was back in full force. It had been years since he had seen it; before her mother was killed, she had smiled a lot, but afterwards it had always seemed forced. When Draco was born, her smiles had at least softened for the little boy, and for the boy only.
But not now. Now her smile reached her brilliant eyes again. She radiated with happiness and love, that she seemed to magically push out towards her family and friends that surrounded the table.
"How have you been feeling Katherine?" Elisa asked, towards the end of the meal.
"A lot better since Sev made the potion for me," Katherine said.
Forever Yours
RomanceSequel. Follow Severus and Katherine and their family and friends, through their complicated lives after the war. Starts at the end of "Potions Mistress & the Half-Blood Prince" last chapters and goes to a few years beyond Rowlings' epilogue in the...