Chapter 6

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Graces POV

I woke up next to Madi in someone's room. I remember Jaden picking me up to take me somewhere but that's all. I look around and the only person I can see is Madi. I go down stairs to try and find Jaden or one of the boys when I hear tayler and jaden having a conversation. I didn't want to seem nosey but when I heard the words ' she doesn't know I'm her brother' I didn't know who they were talking about but the I heard Jaden say my name' (I had no family really I never really knew them I used to live with my nana until she died so madi's family basically took me in as their child until me and Madi got our own place. Madis mum was my mum and she was my sister) I stood at the top of the stairs in shook Over what I just heard.
Tayler holder was my brother.
"You're my brother" I said, I felt my heart break when I saw Taylers face looking up at me. He looked broken
"Grace come sit please" Jaden said sitting up from his chair.
"Grace yes I am your brother, I don't expect you to love me like a brother or even treat me like a brother but I feel like you should know" Tayler looked hurt I couldn't get mad or angry at him, it wasn't his fault. I just hugged him. I pulled him in for the tightest hug I've ever given. I just started crying. He was my only family. I pulled away from the hug.
"Do you know any of m...our family then" I asked wiping tears from my cheek.
"No, our parents died in a house fire. You were only one week old so I grabbed you from your cott and ran out side only to see our house collapse with our parents still in it" Tayler said rubbing my knee trying to comfort me
" our mums mum took you to live with her and our dads mum took me"
"Tay nanas dead" I said looking at him. He did not know about this because he just looked at me blankly. I started to feel dizzy and I started panicking really bad. I had anxiety from my hard times at school. I quickly grabbed Taylers hand and squeezed it tight to tell him something's wrong. Neither tayler or jaden knew what was happening so Jaden ran to wake up Madi

Madi knew I had anxiety but she's never seen me as bad as I was.

Madis POV

I was rudely awoke by Jaden saying something was wrong with grace. I ran down stairs to see Tayler hugging Grace looking worried. Immediately I knew what was happening. Grace had basically trained me in what to do incase She had one.
"She's having a panic attack. You holder  pick her up and lie her down on the sofa" I said clicking my fingers pointing to the sofa
"You hossler blankets pillows anything to keep her warm"
I walked over to her stroking her forehead feeling she was freezing. Thankfully Jaden was running down stairs with his arms full of blankets. I covered her up and thankfully she fell asleep.
"Why did she even have a panic attack anyway?" I asked confused
"Because I told her I'm her brother" Tayler said.
I was shocked
"Hold up that's why you wanted her to model for you and not anyone else?" Both the boys nodded their Heads yes.
It all made sense now I thought to myself.

MODELS SURPRISE ♡︎ Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now