The sun shined through the window into China's room. He was fast asleep still. The only sound came from the birds chirping outside. Ah yes. Such wonderful singing. Lovely.
BEEP. . .
BEEP. . .
BEEP. . .
China stirred for a while, he put the pillow over his head. He tried pressing snooze, but missed. He punched down the alarm, but didn't put in enough strength into it to break it. He finally got up, unplugged the alarm, and threw it out the window. All with a crash and the yowl of a stray cat. The sun was shining down on his face, though his hair was a messy and covering his face. He walked out his room to go to the bathroom down the hall. Just as he was a few feet away from the door. America walked out, at first he didn't notice China in front of him. Then he lifted his head, turned pale, and let out an ear splitting scream. China covered his ears.
"OHMAIGAWD!! Dude. Thank God. It's just you. Hahaha. You gave me a spook there. Don't do that again. Ok."
Russia, upon hearing their screaming, walked out his room. "What is going on," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
China and America turned around, mind you China's hair was still covering his face. And when Russia fully opened his eyes, he screamed like Belarus was after him. While holding her knife.
"Oh, China. It is only you. You look like a ghost when you put you hair down like that over your face." Russia sighed in relief. With all that being said, China walked into the bathroom.-time skip-
That morning America offered to make pancakes, China was gonna make breakfast. But America insisted on making them breakfast.
So there they sat eating the fluffy pancakes America had made. Although China and Russia were astonished by how delicious they were, he was raised by England, right?
China broke the silence that had inhabited the atmosphere, "Well, since we just got back from the last meeting, I need to go grocery shopping. You two are free to stay here or go with me if you want to. It is not far, only a walk across the street. We should be fine."
"I will go with you." Said Russia.
"I'll stay here, maybe I can find something we can do together when you guys get back." America half whispered that last part.China got up and put his plate in the sink, "Well, I'll go get my stuff. We'll leave whenever you're ready Russia." Russia got up and put his plate in the sink too. He went to go get his stuff as well. America finished his last few bites and got up. He stopped a second before putting his plate in the sink.
China was nice enough to make me and Russia dinner last night, time to be a hero and pay back a favor. I'll do the dishes for him. It's not a lot.
He began getting the sponge and carefully scrubbed the dishes, he heard the door open when China called out, "We'll be back in an hour or so!"
"Cool dude, take care!" He shouted back at them. He went back to scrubbing the maple syrup off his own dish. As the door closed he began humming "Party In The U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus to himself. He hummed the full song and as he finished, he realized he finished the dishes too. He quickly wiped his hands on his shirt because he didn't care, and walked to his guest room. He tapped his finger on his chin. He thought to himself,What could we do together, I'm bored. And we can't avoid each other for the next three weeks or so. Might as well do something.
And that's when he got an idea. He opened his suitcase, and took out some of his favorite movies. He had packed them, knowing he got bored easily. He wasn't gonna let himself be bored. That gave him an idea. They could have a movie night. He was sure China had some of his own movies too, he knew Chinese decently. It wouldn't be a problem. He looked over his movies, choosing which ones would be the best. Obviously he had some Disney movies, it was one of the most successful film industries in America. And no doubt a few action movies too. He had one or two rom-coms, he liked those too. How did he manage to stuff all these in his suitcase, we may never know. Magic maybe. They were going to have a blast!!

Hate Triangle (hetalia black triangle trio fanfic)
FanfictionChina, America, and Russia constantly argue during world meetings, they just dont agree with each other. They always poke fun at one another. Sometimes their arguement will turn into a fist fight. England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Roman...