13 - Pardoning Orders

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"Where the hell is he?" Bellamy yelled from inside the ship.

I looked up at my brother, "Do you think we should leave?"

"I don't think they'll ask us about it," he said.

"The Murphy twins did something, I know they did," Miller was yelling now, too.

"I have a feeling they're going to ask us about it," I mumbled as they stormed out of the ship.

"Let me talk-"

"Can I help you with something, boys?" I asked as Bellamy and his 'guard' stormed over to us.

"Or not," Murphy mumbled.

"You let the grounder go?" Bellamy snapped at me.

Murphy pulled me gently by my arm so he was in front of me.

"No? I was helping everyone crying over stuff that wasn't real," I rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Murphy asked.

"The Jobi nuts make you hallucinate. The whole camp was a mess." I turned to Miller. "You saw me. I never went in the drop ship."

"But you tried to stop me from going in. Who did it?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah, I wonder who," Murphy said. I looked up to see him staring Bellamy down. After a few moments of tense silence, Bellamy spoke.

"You know what? Forget it. He's already gone, what difference does it make who let him go. Now we have to focus on protecting ourselves if him and his buddies come back."

"You can't be serious-" The same bruised boy who had pushed me spat at Bellamy before turning to us. "-She obviously had something to do with it and you're just going to let it be?"

Bellamy's eyes flickered to Murphy again.

"I said forget it." He repeated himself.

The boy continued, his voice raising, "Just because you have some weird thing for her doesn't mean she should get away with-"

Before the boy could finish his sentence, Bellamy knocked the butt of his gun into his stomach before bringing it up into his already bruised nose. Blood started gushing from his nose as Bellamy lifted his chin to make him look at the taller man.

"Leave her alone, is that clear?"


Miller and the other boy with Bellamy helped the injured boy away, but their leader stayed behind.

"Need something else, Bellamy?" Murphy asked.

"Did something happen at the bunker?" I finally asked as they stared at one another. "You two won't stop making eyes at each other and you-" I pointed at Bellamy, "-won't even look at me."

"Nothing happened," Murphy rolled his eyes, "Come on."

"Lying to her won't protect her, Murphy." Bellamy said as my brother started pulling me away.

Murphy continued to pull me away, ignoring his words. I ripped my arm away and turned back around.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Mira, come on. Ignore-"

"No! Tell me what happened!" I planted my feet, refusing to move.

"Fine. You want to know what happened?" Murphy spat before looking up at Bellamy. "You really want her to know?"

"Know what?" I asked Bellamy, who was avoiding my eyes again.

"Your little hero here was going to ditch everyone. He had his bag all packed and everything. But you'll never guess what stopped him! Dax with a gun pointed at his head while he cried over people who weren't really there." Murphy was explaining it to me but his eyes didn't leave Bellamy's face.

Mira Murphy (b.b.) // The 100Where stories live. Discover now