Chapter 2

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Sky: "You wanted to see me chief?" she comes into Richard's office

Richard: "I got a call last night from Joe. Said something about you hooking up with men in his bar bathroom."

Sky: "And...?"

Richard: "Please tell me you haven't been skipping surgeries so you can get it on with random people."

Sky: "I still do my job. Owen is a trauma surgeon just like me. Just because I send him to a few cases doesn't mean anything."

Richard: "Sky...look I know I'm not your dad, but I care about you and I just wanted-"

Sky: "Hold that thought" she stops him when her pager goes off "Trauma in the pit. Gotta go. Thanks for this...uh...conversation." she smiles at him before walking off

Sky: "What the hell happened to you?" she asks seeing Derek walking down the halls

Derek: "Spent the night in jail." he snarls

Sky: "You smell like pee." she crinkles her nose at him

Derek: "I know." he snaps before forcefully opening the door to the attendings lounge so he can change

Sky: "Okay, multiple burn victims. Two with paralysis, three with vision loss, one, uh, blown eardrums, and one dislocated hip."

Meredith: "House fire?"

April: "Explosion?"

Alex: "Car wreck?"

Sky: "Uh, act of God."

Bailey: "Act of God?"

Sky: "Yeah, lightning strike."

Alex: "All that from one lightning strike?"

Sky: "One lightning strike, eight victims. Took out a whole flag football team." she says as they look around at all the patients being brought inside 

Bailey: "God was in a mood today."

April: "How did it strike all of 'em?"

Mark: "Well, they're mostly flash burns, so it probably hit one of them then conducted off onto the rest. Lexie. T. M. rupture, trauma one. I'll see you in there" he hands her the chart before looking over to see Sky talking to a patient and he moves over to Sky "Tell me something. When a person goes through a trauma what's the appropriate amount of time to wait before you propose?"

Callie: "What?" she chuckles before seeing the serious look on his face "Long. Longer. Long...a long time. Not now." she shakes her head and walks off 

Mark: "Specifically, how long?"

Callie: "Okay, wiggle your toes for me."

Kerry: "I still can't. Am I gonna be in a wheelchair?"

Callie: "We're gonna take you in for a C.T., but hopefully, it is just temporary, from the lightning."

Mark: "Couple of your friends have it, too. They're already starting to get some feeling back. Okay. Try not to worry."

Meredith: "Hey, Kerry. A friend of yours, Russ Gammie, is asking about you."

Kerry: "How's Warren Griffith? Is he okay? Did he ask about me?"

Meredith: "Which one is Warren?"

Man: "Excuse me. Excuse me. I..." he comes into the room and moves Meredith out the way so he can talk to Kerry 

Mark: "Who's this, Russ or Warren?"

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