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Emily's pov 

It was the day that I move with Gerard. The movers came at ten to get my stuff. I watched as they packed my stuff up and closed up the truck. I went and gave all of my friends a last hug. "Text you soon" I said. I got in the car and waved out the window. I was wearing a blink 182 sweatshirt and some gray jeans. I was wearing the sweatshirt because I was coving up scars. Yes I used to cut. Well I kind of still do. I cut last night. I reached over and turn on the radio and put in a MCR CD. I was staring out the window as we pulled into Gerard's house him and bandit were sitting out on the steps waiting. They walked over to the car and open the door for me. Bandit grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.  


"Hey lady B" she giggled and I opened the trunk and pulled out some boxes. The moving truck pulled into the driveway and the movers started bringing stuff into my room. When they were done I went and started putting stuff away. I opened up the closet and started deciding where to put things. When I was done with that I started with my personal belongings like a picture of me and Hailey from when we were little wearing Mickey Mouse hats and at Disney world. That was fun. Than I put away some of my bags that I had signed at concerts. I hear d a cough and looked over to see Gerard in the doorway.  

"Time to eat" he said 

"Kay be there in a second." I finished with the box I was doing and went down stairs. We were having pizza. That's not my favorite meal but ill eat it. I grabbed a slice and sat at the table. Bandit also grabbed on and sat next to me. 

"What are you two doing" questioned Gerard. 

"ummm eating" I said 

"Well we always eat pizza in front of the TV with a movie playing." He said smiling. 

We walked in and Lyn-z was already there. Gerard sat next to her and me and bandit sat at there feet. Gerard gave Lyn-z a peck on the cheek and went and put in a movie. I saw that it was Horton Hears A Who. We started watching. I stated to fall asleep at Gerard's feet. He picked me up and Lyn-z picked bandit up. They took us to our beds and Gerard but me down and covered me up. I took out my phone and yelled goodnight to Gerard and started texting my bffs. Before I fell asleep I put on a pair of pjs with a tank top and a pair of shorts. I fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. Ill upload soon though 

Tell me what you think. Comment and tell me what you want to happen next.  

Keep awesome,  


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