A Job For Jessie Pt. 2

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Y/N and Wedge continue to drive after taking out multiple officers. Two more show up and they drive in front of Y/N and Wedge.

Biggs: Got more company!

Y/N: A-team's here.

Jessie: Uhh, I don't like the sound of that!

Wedge: We're not screwed, are we!?

The two officers us fire magic as they shoot it down on the track but there was no effect to Y/N as he kept dodging them all. Y/N sends a slash with his sword taking the two officers out at the same time. Jessie turns around to see drones chasing after them.

Jessie: Heads up, drones!

Biggs: One thing after another... C'mon Wedge, gun it!

Wedge: I am gunning it!

Y/N: We're good.

Biggs: Nothing about this is good!

Y/N: You got me.

Biggs: Fair enough! Alright then, do your thing!

Y/N takes out two drones after driving right next to them. He takes the last one out by slicing it in half. Y/N saw another bike on the side with a man leaning against the wall but they drive past him. Two officers and two drones appear as they go past Y/N and Wedge. Y/N drives up next to the drones and he takes the drones at once as Biggs shoots the tire of the officer's bike making him flip over. Y/N sends a slash towards the officer in front as it takes him out as well.

Biggs: That's an ex-SOLDIER for ya. Next to him, we look like kids on trikes.

Jessie: You're damn right you do!

Biggs: You're part of that "we" too, you know.

Y/N goes faster as the bike goes up in the air and Jessie quickly holds onto Y/N as they drive out of the tunnel.

Wedge: We made it!

Wedge and Biggs celebrate together.

Biggs: Woo-hoo! Topside!

Y/N: Keep going till we hit the station?

Jessie: No, head straight for the warehouse. Our magical ride is almost at an end...

Biggs: Why ya talking like we're not here?

Jessie: Because you're not!

Biggs: Clearly we are!

Four officers show up behind them.

Biggs: It's not over yet!

The officers drive past them as the two try to shoot at Y/N but he deflects their bullets. Biggs and Wedge were having a tough time by dodging their bullets.

Biggs: Y/N! Little help!?

Y/N sends a slash taking out the two officers at once. He drives up next to the officers that were shooting at Wedge and Biggs. Y/N takes them both out quickly but there were more chasing after them. Jessie notices the officers start slow down as Y/N and Wedge continue to drive. Jessie looks behind her to see the man in the air with a bike.

Jessie: Who's that!?


???: Well, hello!

Biggs: Who's this!?

???: "Too quick for the eye, you cross him, you die!" Now... Mind if I cut in?

He cuts the catwalk down as it falls but Y/N and Wedge drive past it.

???: Splendid! I've been looking for a new dance partner! Private party, huh? That's fine. I'll settle for a race then. Just one.

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