Stan Bitzel Blockington!

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Craig looks down at you, and starts to beat your ass. "WHAT THE FUKCC" you say, screaming. Jaedie poo tries to save you by biting Craigs ankles, but he's a scrawny white boy and doesn't know how to fight. He gets kicked in the nuts instead. He gasps for air, while Craig starts eating him. He is dead now. Fuck. "Guess I'll have to be gay now" you sigh, "the only choice". Craig stops beating you up, "EW YOU'RE GAY?? I'M HOMOPHOBIC NO WAY" Craig cries, as he runs into the background.  I get up and vfbhfsajkfdsuhkvdsukh. I broke my bones. Oh shit. Thankfully the power of the gays protected me. Everyone in school started clapping, i finally beat Craig, the 6'9" giant. My green pants were ripped, so i just fucking ripped the rest of it off. I had another pair underneath. I am powerful. hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

the end lul

(oh by the way since im gay now and all the cute white girls are straight as fuck, i am edating. daisy is a qt)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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