Obi Wan and Cade Ban went to the ship.
The ship arrived to Mustfar, where Maul was. "Darth Maul" Obi Wan yelled. "Kenobi" Darth Maul yelled and activated his lightsaber. Cad Bane shot at Maul "Set it to stun, we need him alive." Obi Wan said. "You fools will never catch me alive." Maul said. Maul jumped between moutains. "Showoff." Cad bane said, and shot Darth Maul. "You- Wha-" Obi Wan said, he was speechless. "They don't call me the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy for nothin' 😏" Cad Bane said "Well, was it on stun?" Obi Wan asked. "Yes, when do I get my money? A deal's a deal." Cad Bane said "You needn't worry about your reward. If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive." Obi Wan said (PrincessLeiaQuote) . "Alrighty." Cad Bane said. "Your a good bounty Hunter, we could hire you often." Obi Wan said. "Thats what they all say." Cad Bane said (He means they all say he is a good bounty hunter) "I bet they do." Obi Wan said sarcastically.
When they returned. "Hire you again, we must. Here is money for you." Yoda said and gave Cad Bane the money. "As long as theres money invloded." Cad Bane said and turned to leave. "Wait." Yoda said. "Add you to our groupchat we will." Yoda said "Groupchat?" Cad Bane snicker. " If the empire pay me to betray ya, i'd use the group chat." Cad Bane said. "Earned our trust you have, join." Yoda forced him to join.
New Character
Cade Bane-CadeBANE_BountyMoneyHat462
Although this is the end of the Cad Bane chapters, Cad Bane will return
thanks for the suggest clonetrooper fives! 🙂 :-) :)
Star Wars- The Phone Chat
HumorThe Characters from Star Wars have made a chat, and have bewn assigned to make vlogs, as they go on fun adventures. I do not own Star Wars, Enjoy :)