Ruler Of The Sith, Palpatine VS Ruler Of Mandalore, Maul

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Darth Maul arrived. He saw Palptine. They activated their lightsabers

 They activated their lightsabers

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Darth Maul jumped over Palpatine. He tried to slice him. Palpatine blocked and kicked Maul. Maul jumped and blocked Palpatine's attack. "You call yourself 'ruler of the sith' you won't be after this battle." Maul said. "You will not exist after this battle." Palpatine said. The two locked lightsabers. "Weak." Maul said. Palpatine jumped and attacked Maul, Maul blocked. Palpatine started force choking him. Then Palpatine force pushed him, Palpatine took his lightsaber. Maul ran. "Weak." Palpatine said

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