Chapter 36

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By the time we fed the lambs, cuddled with basically every animal there was and laughed over the fact that Luke got spit on again, we decided to go to our next stop.
We were walking back to the car and for the first time in a very long time I felt relieved.
I don’t know why or how, but it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I never wanted it to come back.
‘I’m still wondering why they hung those toothbrushes up though’ I said.
Luke laughed and nodded.
‘We can look that up when we get back to the hotel tonight’
‘Can’t we do that now?’ I asked, pulling my phone out of my pocket.
‘I mean, I have one of these too’
Luke smiled and swung his arm around my shoulders as we kept walking.
‘No, we can’t. You need Wi-Fi for that and you don’t have that outside. You can only get Wi-Fi in hotels or someone’s house or in some restaurants’ he explained, looking down at me and smiling brightly.
‘What’s Wi-Fi?’ I asked.
‘Well,’ Luke started ‘Simply said, it’s a way to go on the internet. Please tell me you do know what the internet is’
I laughed and put my phone back in my pocket.
‘I do know what the internet is yeah, what do you think I’ve been doing those 18 years of my life’
Luke was quiet for a minute, he seemed to really think about that.
‘I don’t know,’ he answered eventually ‘What did you do?’
I grinned and instinctively put my arm around Luke’s waist to make it easier for us to walk this way.
‘I just…read books, did a lot of online shopping and spent the rest of my days scrolling through funny Tumblr posts and plotting my escape’
‘You have Tumblr?’ Luke askes surprised ‘And here I was, thinking you missed out on all of the good things in life’ I laughed and looked at him.
‘Not all of it apparently’ 
We were back at the car and got in, both sighing in relief.
I really didn’t mind walking but I did have to admit my feet started to hurt a little.  
‘Ready to go to the next place?’ Luke asked.
I nodded and bit my lip to try and keep my massive grin from growing even bigger.
‘What is this place?’ I asked, looking at the mountain we were standing in front of.
‘It’s a cave’ Luke answered, grinning at my, pretty dumb, question.
‘Yes, I could see that’ I looked up at Luke who looked at our surroundings.
There wasn’t much to see to be honest.
We were standing in line to get some tickets to go into the cave and I was a little nervous.
I had no idea what to expect once we were in there, Luke did, he just didn’t want to tell me.
‘You know, you really have to stop buying all of those tickets for me too, I can get them myself’
‘I know, but I also need something to spent my money on. Come on let’s go.’
I nodded and followed Luke into the cave, where we had to wait in another line again.
We were not even that far inside yet and it was already getting pretty dark.
I stood there, feeling a little uncomfortable but also trying to enjoy this.
I glanced at Luke’s hand that was just hanging beside his body.
A quiet sigh left my mouth and I took his hand in mine, hoping it would make me feel a little safer.
‘You alright?’ he asked.
I looked at him and nodded, showing him a genuine smile.
He seemed to have that effect on me. He could make me smile by only just looking at me.
The man who was going to be our guide started talking and I tried to focus on that.
He said some things about staying with the group and watching out where you walked and some more safety rules, before we started walking into the cave.

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