Merrin stood across me from me, staring at the hovering planets on the consul. "Where do we plan to go? I'm sick of doing nothing."
"Abregado-Rae is a populated planet. It's a trade route, and rather lawless. Perhaps we can lay low there until the need for our help arises elsewhere?" I rocked back on my heels, hands resting on the edge of the consul and waited to see if they agreed with my option.
"Do you know it well?" Cere asked.
I shrugged. "I've been there maybe two times as a passenger. I don't think it will do us any harm, but I'd be cautious all the same." Eyes flicking over the other occupants who had not said a word, I gave a short nod to Greez. "Fire up your engine, I'm going to go grab my things, and Gael. I hope you have room on this fancy ship of yours."
The Mantis dropped from Hyper-speed, allowing me to get up from my place so I wasn't jerked off my feet from the rough stop the ship produced. I walked into the cockpit, coming to a stop between Greez and Cal who were sitting, looking at the monitors as the Mantis navigated down to ground level.
"Where are we landing, kid?" Greez questioned.
Using a hand to stabilize myself on the arm of Cal's chair, I pointed to a patch of blue and white far off in the distance. "The Capital Spaceport. You'll be happy to know that it's a bit older, but safer place to stay on this planet."
BD-1 trilled, a questioning tone in his noises.
I shrugged. "I'm not too sure about droid regulations. It'd be safe if you hid in my bag until we get indoors. If you're okay with that," the little droid nodded, almost reluctantly, "and if not, then you're free to hitch a ride on my back. I don't bite."
The ship set down a platform next to the canals. A few other well-off space-crafts were also docked, occupants nowhere in sight. We unloaded and made our way to a well, looked-after Inn, and took two large rooms with a shared door. We left as it got darker out, leaving BD and Gael in the room. I'd convinced Cal that keeping him here was the best idea, knowing that any thief would love to get their hands on a small droid. Walking along the canal, we made it to the poorer districts of Abregado-Rae, and into one of the cozier looking cantina that was nearly packed full of a wide array of species.
As we sat down in a corner booth, I felt eyes on me. I didn't want to look around, and convinced myself it was because we were unfamiliar faces. About an hour in after ordering drinks and warm meals, it was only then that the eyes that been staring, made their way up to our table.
"Tarylin Rolpol?"
The accent was as velutinous, as was the manner in which the young Arkanian approached. I raised my gaze from my meal to the slim, handsome figure. With every feature nearly waxen, it was nearly impossible not to forget the man.
"Noldrin Androl." As the name unfolded off my tongue, he smiled. God, why now? Perhaps escaping my job was not as easy as I had originally thought it would be. "I'm surprised to see you here, what business do you have in a place like this?"
I set down my fork and stood, thankful to not have to clamber over my shipmates.
"Business. I assume, you are here for that as well?"
I tapped my toe on the ground. "No, not this time."
He raised a hand, gesturing with his four fingers for me to follow him. "Glad to hear, I'd like to discuss something with you."
"Alright, but make it quick. I don't like cold food."
He turned and walked toward the bar. As I followed, I turned and gave a single shake of my head and a hardened stare when I saw Cal get up to follow.

Ascension - Jedi: Fallen Order (Fanfic)
FantasyYou managed to escape being killed by Imperial soldiers when you were young, and have been hiding on Bracca for the last five and a half years, working up ranks to being captain of a transportation ship, hauling and selling downed imperial ship par...