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sam came into mr. schuester's office to find the teacher and his daughter sitting at his desk, "hey, you wanted to see me?"

"yeah. have a seat."

sam nervously sat down in the seat across from them, "um, i just want to let you know that even though i've kind of, like, checked out of school since i'm not going to college, i'm totally committed to glee, you know. i've had logan and blaine drilling me nonstop on the rights and lefts of the choreography, and i've recruited two hot cheerios! to get us to 12..."

will smiled at the blonde's commitment, seeing what cass and finn knew all along, "you don't have to prove yourself to us. finn transformed this club when he joined. he wasn't just a male lead, he was the captain of the football team. he was the coolest kid in school. i  mean, a real dude, you know? he was our secret weapon at those competitions. other schools might have had their version of a rachel or a kurt, but no one had a finn."

"yeah, he... he made it seem pretty cool."

"when he recruited you, he wasn't just looking for another voice in here. he was looking for someone to take his place after he graduated. someone to help lead all of these wonderful misfits."

sam's blue eyes grew wide, "i'm not finn. finn was, like, a real leader, you know?"

cass moved from beside will to the seat next to the blonde, taking his hand, "and so are you. i asked him that day what he saw in you, his answer was simple. he saw potential and the more we got to know you, the more we knew that you were exactly the guy to hand this place over to when we left."

"exactly. and we're gonna need you to be that guy when we get to la. the kids want you to be that guy. they're all waiting for you to see yourself the way they see you. the new kids love you, and so do the older ones. i'm sure that everything is gonna be fine once we get there. but if the time comes, and you need to step up, i'm gonna be counting on you to get it done."

logan interrupted them by opening the door, looking to the leaders, "they're here."

"i don't thi-"

cass stopped him before he could finish his thought, covering his mouth with her hand,  "sam, we wouldn't ask you to do this if you weren't ready. i'm so proud of you, i know you can do this."

burt and carole stood at the piano, smiling at the group of new directions, "we just wanted to come in and say that finn really cared about you guys. more than you know."

"finn always said that winning nationals was the greatest accomplishment of his life. but i honestly believe that coaching you guys to winning would have meant even more to him."

burt hugged his wife closer to him, "now, now we're not saying go out there and win it for finn. that wasn't his style. what finn would have said was this is the time of your lives right now. you're never gonna forget it, and in a moment, it's all gonna be over."

carole looked directly at the person she knew her son called his closest friend, pointing at her, "so no sad faces. no regrets. just go out there and have a blast, and, you know, it'll be okay if you won the damn thing."

"and the best part about it is that burt and carole have agreed to come with us as chaperones. but i think before we go, we need a little mood music to send us off. brad?" will cued the randy newton song "i love l.a"


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