The Departure

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The class stood outside in the crisp chilly air, winter was definently on the way. Midoriya stood between Mineta and Jiro as they waited for Aizawa. He was doing his best to avoid his close friends since he made a deal with the Devil. They were all trying to pry and figure out what was wrong with Midoriya, which only made him distance himself more.

"Today we are going to be doing a rescue exercise." Aizawa said loudly, gathering the attention of the entire class. "Class 1-B is hiding through out the forest. 15 of them are in need of rescue, 5 of them are villains." Aizawa said while glancing around the class. "Once you find a victim, you have to bring them back without fighting the villain. You must bring them all the way back here without either of you getting hit. If you fail, your victim goes back into hiding and you come back here." Aizawa explained to the class.

"What if we encounter a villain before we find a victim?" Todoroki asked from the middle of the group.

"Then you can fight them, just remember these are your school mates, not actual villains." Aizawa said with a heavy sigh while looking to Bakugo. The blonde scoffed as he looked away from his teachers gaze.

"Who are the villains then?" Kirishima questioned.

"You won't know. That is the whole point of this exercise, expect the unexpected." Aizawa said while turning to the forest. "You may start!" He yelled to the class behind him. All at once, the class rushed into the forest. Midoriya sighed as his class mates pulled ahead of him. He slowly started his walk into the forest, not even caring about the exercise.

Come on problem child. Aizawa thought to himself as he watched Midoriya sluggishly begin his walk.

Midoriya took a deep breath as the forest consumed him. He silently made his way deeper into the forest on the lookout for anyone from class 1-B. His stomach turned as his gut feeling was telling him to run. He refused as he kept pushing forwards.

He could hear his class mates off to the right of him, so he decided to go left. If he didn't find anybody, he didn't care. He just wanted to be as far from them as he could. It was too hard to look them in the eyes when he knew he was going to let Tanaka take him. He pulled himself out of his mind when he heard a twig break from behind him.

"Hello?" He called out as he turned on the spot. He glanced around nervously, but was only met with rustling tree's. "Hello?" He called out again. This time, a student stepped into his view.

"I'm hurt pretty badly." She said with a deranged giggle. "You should probably get me back to safety."

"Shiozaki?" Midoriya questioned while taking a small step towards her.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Or are you going to help my defenseless self back to safety?" She challenged with a smirk. Midoriya took a few steps towards her before stopping. Something isn't right. He thought to himself. Shiozaki isn't usually this energetic, something seems off. Maybe she is playing the roll of a villian? Even then, she probably would have attacked me right off the bat.

"Scared I'll draw blood?" She asked with an evil grin. Midoriya's eyes widened as he looked up to meet her eyes. What were the odds that she would say something like that? "Because I won't." She said while taking a few steps closer to him. "You see, at the League, we take care of each other. And as much as I want some of that yummy blood, Tanaka wants you alive." She said while moving closer as her appearance began to change. Her green hair turned blonde as her black eyes slowly changed to yellow. Her messy blonde space buns were full visible as she only stood two feet away.

"T-Toga." Midoriya breathed out with clenched fists.

"She said you would come willingly. If you do, we won't hurt your friends, well except Bakugo." She said with a smile.

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