After the funeral, Percy and Estelle return to Gotham, accompanied by Annabeth.
"So, you'll call me every day okay?" Annabeth asked again.
"Yeah, of course Wise Girl. Wouldn't want you to worry."
She nodded. "And any..."
"Any monster attacks I'll let you know about."
"And I'll call you when something's wrong and even if I don't know for sure anything is wrong."
"And if something..."
"And if something is wrong, you and the guys will be back to rescue me."
"Percy..." she started again.
I let go of the stroller and clutched Annabeth's hands to my chin. "Annabeth," I said, locking on to her stormy, grey eyes, "I'm...we're going to be just fine. I promise."
She smiled sadly with tears in her eyes. "Don't make promises you can't keep Seaweed Brain."
I kissed her hands then we continued walking. Each with a hand on the stroller and the others clutching together tightly. We came up to a large set of looming, black gates.
"I don't think I've ever seen gates this big! Even when we went to Hollywood!" I exclaimed, trying to hide my nervousness.
"Nah, Tunnel of Love Ride, remember?"
"Oh, yeah," I acknowledged, grinning. "Those gates were huge."
She smiled fondly at me.
"So, are they going to open or...?"
"You have to ring the bell Seaweed Brain," Annabeth chided.
"I suppose that makes sense, in a way."
"Oh you suppose, do you?" She raised and eyebrow at me.
I gulped. "I mean, you know. Your always right Wise Girl."
We both laughed. Trying to cherish our last few moments together before she leaves. Suddenly the gates opened.
"Did you ring the bell?"
We approached the mansion warily. The size was intimidating. The entirety of Camp Half-blood took up less space than this place did.
"Holy Hephaestus! I think I might have to bring some string with me."
Annabeth nodded without moving her eyes from the mansion, also in awe of the beast before us. We stood at the door.
"Now what Wise Girl?"
Annabeth shrugged. "Use the knocker? I'm sure they know you're here."
"They? I thought it was just a rich guy!"
"This place is huge. If he has no family, there will at least be a butler."
I nodded and we stood patiently at the door.
"I thought you would've researched this guy," I whispered whilst eyeing the door warily.
"I asked Piper to look into it," she whispered back, "but from the few articles I read, Bruce Wayne is a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist."

A Hollow Mountain
FanfictionPercy's parents die (Sorry) and he is left alone to take care of Estelle. Until he turns 18, in three months, he cannot become Estelle's guardian. So Percy turns to Paul's family for help but they cannot support a couple of children, and Percy refus...