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broccoli- someone give me love :c

todorki- excuse me? 

sleep?- i'm too dead for love

alienkween- have I been summoned?

urarabitch- YOU TOOK MY LINE

kazookid- bitch it ain't your line

urarabitch- you dare oppose me

alienkween- *sips tea* just let it happen

jesus girl- *sips the tears of tortured ones in hell*

bi power- .

alienkween- .

pikachu- .

rockhard- .

ribbitch- .

classdad- .

broccoli- .

sleep?- .

MOMo- .

chapstick- .

fire fire baby- .

blonde3- .

MAMAgiri- .

wxnxn- .

kazookid- oh cool can I have some

pikachu- what the fuck monoma

jesus girl- uhm no

broccoli- whose tears tho?

daddy- why did I not expel all of you

alienkween- it was fate that brought us together

boomboombitch- cheesy ass bitch

alienkween- damn okay

broccoli- is it salty?

bi power- is there really a lot?

broccoli- i think most of them might be my tears

wxnxn- damn I should've put the tag "depresseddeku"

broccoli- that's a tag? 

wxnxn- everyone loves torturing you yknow

chapstick- ah yes

todorki- izu come here

broccoli- :D

kazookid- wait can I join? where r u

urarabitch- nope, get out of our way

ribbitch- kero

kazookid- WHAT NOW ASUI

alienkween- aww izu you were supposed to come here :c

todorki- *insert middle finger*

alienkween- :c

pikachu- who needs some love?

broccoli- meeee

todorki- nope you dont

broccoli- meeeeeee

pikachu- :D

alienkween- fuck off

pikachu- D:

alienkween- :)

kazookid- god that's a creepy emoji

ribbitch- :))))))

bi power- :))))))

broccoli- wait I can be scarier!

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