One Crazy Night

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"There you guys are!" Uraraka said happily as the three walked into the common room.

"What happened to your face dude?" Kirishima asked as the three sat down.

"Just rough housing with my brother." He replied with a nervous smile. "Don't forget to give my spare key back to Yaoyorozu." Todoroki said.

"I still have my key?" She questioned. Todoroki looked to Midoriya and Bakugo with confusion.

"T-then how did you get into my room?" He questioned.

"That's why you needed the bobby pins!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed while pointing to the boys. "You picked the lock!"

"You can pick a lock Bakugo?" Kirishima questioned.

"Why do you assume I did it?" Bakugo spat towards him.

"Raise your hand if you can see Midoriya picking a lock?" Kirishima said. The only hands in the air were Midoriya and Bakugo.

"D-Deku?" Uraraka questions.

"Don't be surprise." Midoriya said coldly. "You have no idea what middle school was like."

"Okay, I'll go first!" Ashido says breaking the tension while Yaoyorozu hands everyone a drink.

"Never have I ever skipped school." She smiled while looking around the room. Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, Midoriya and Jiro all took a drink.

"Education is so important! What would make you skip school?" Iida shouted.

"Concert." Jiro said with a shrug.

"A new video game." Kaminari and Kirishima said together while they fist bumped.

"Tanaka." Midoriya groaned while taking another drink.

"You only have to drink once Midoriya." Iida reminded.

"I know." He replied with a shrug. "I needed it." He said with a sad smile.

"Never have I ever rejected someone's love confession." Kaminari said. Kirishima, Bakugo and Midoriya all took a drink.

"Look at you being the ladie's man Midoriya!" Mineta chirped.

"Something like that." Midoriya said awkwardly.

"Never have I ever been arrested." Bakugo smirked towards Midoriya.

"I hate you." He spat before taking a drink. Everyone looked to him in shock. "Don't forget, I know a lot about you too dumbass." Midoriya said while holding his cup to Yaoyorozu. "Can I get a refill?" He asked kindly.

"W-why did you get arrested?" Tsu asked with concern.

"I used to be friends with Tanaka." He replied while his cup filled back up. "Don't worry about it guys. It was a misunderstanding. There were no charges or anything." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Bakugo?" Todoroki questioned.

"He's telling the truth." The blonde reassured. Everyone glanced back and forth between the two boys in confusion. Nobody really understood what happened with Tanaka. Nobody really understood what happened between the two of them on vacation either.

"This is fucking stupid!" A voice sounded as the front door flew open. Everyone quickly hid their drinks behind the couch in panic as a steaming brunette came crashing in. "Stupid school and their stupid rules!" Tanaka raged while walking through the common room with an Aizawa hot on her heels.

"They're not stupid rules. You just aren't good at following them." Aizawa groaned while stopping in the common room. "Grab whatever you want for the next week. You have ten minutes."

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