• S E V E N •

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F O R E V E R ?

F O R E V E R ?

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DRACO AND Y/N WENT THROUFH THE DOORS, they were at Draco's work, and he was late.

They walk to the elevators, but Y/N stopped when she saw a big woman on top of a rock

The blonde noticed she wasnt following, so he looked back and sighed, "what are you doing?"

"she looks lovely" she answered

Draco shook his head and dragged her, "she's a statue!"

They reached the elevator, Draco pressed on the fourth floor button.

The elevator ride was quiet, and finally, the doors opened, Draco walked up to the desk, Y/N following rughr behind him, but she saw a tank filled with fishes, and her eyes lit up

She walked towards it and said hi to the fishes

"how long have they been waiting?" Draco asked Sam as he fixed his crooked tie

"do you want to know?" his secretary asked, glancing at the door where the couple who's getting a divorce were at.

Draco shook his head, "i dont want to know" then he glanced at Y/N, "but i need you to handle something, see that girl?" he tilted his head to Y/N

"who's she?" Sam asked, furrowing her eyebrows

"no idea, but i'm pretty sure she's from out of town", Draco said, fixing the end of his sleeves

Sam tilted her head, "what do i do?"

"find out where she's from, and book her a ticket. Make sure it's cheap too, cause i'm paying for it", Draco walked towards Y/N, "Y/N, come here"

She followed as he dragged her to the desk, "hello" Sam greeted her

"Y/N, this is Sam, Sam, this is Y/N." Draco introduced the two

"nice to meet you" Y/N greeted the secretary with a smile

The Malfoy sighed, "i need to go" he said, straightening his suit, "take care of her" he told Sam, and the secretary just nodded.

Draco walked towards the door, sighing, then entering.

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