Blazer: Dude, c'mon, you gotta work with me here! *Clapping his paws repeatedly*
Blazer's brain: • - •
Blazer: Snap out of it! I got problems to solve, ideas to generate!
Blazer's brain: *slowly sticks out his tongue*
Blazer: *sighs* Welp.... Time for ol' reliable..
*5 minutes later*
Blazer: *is in the tub and turns on the shower* Okay! Perfect thinking environment! I am in position, lemme hear it
Blazer's brain: .... *Looks up at Blazer*
Blazer: Well???
Blazer's brain: ... When you clean your shower, you're your showers shower...
Blazer: .... *Thinks about it* ..... *Sighs*
Blazer's brain (off screen): Naked-
Blazer: Okay...!
The End.