Theres conflict in this one

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Ben quickly helped you get dressed. You rushed to the bathroom and realized just how messy your hair had gotten from Bens grip. You pulled it up into a pony tail to the best of your ability. You ran back into your room and fixated on your saber. You were not going to forget about it this time. You grabbed it and quickly ran out of the room with Ben following you.

Ben made long strides beside you. You both stepped out onto the grass.

As soon as you entered the temple, you made your way to gather in unison with the other students. Ben made his way to the left side of the crowd while you isolated yourself and stretched out your arms. You felt eyes darting on your back. You turned around to see Alex staring at you. The reoccurring smile was no where to be found. You slumped your shoulder and shrugged him off. He had the same look on his face when he left you to be killed by the creatures in the bar.

The bastard.

You turned back away from him and looked over at Ben. He was also stretching his arms and fiddling with his saber. You admired his strength and agility. He would make for an incredible Jedi.

Ben turned his head and looked up at you. His head rotated to glare at Alex only to cut his stare short, he looked down at the ground and continued to stretch.

"Padawans, take a knee." Said Luke as he made his way in front of the students. You bent down to feel your knees shaking still from this morning. You turned your head to see Ben cracking a smile at you, satisfied at your inability to hold balance due to his pleasure. You shook your head and chuckled.

You raised your head to Luke and tried your hardest to stabilize your knees.

"As some of you may have heard, there is a crisis on Alderaan. Troopers have raided some of the homes of very important individuals in hopes of recruiting workers to build a very dangerous weapon." Luke paced back and forth.

"A weapon? What kind of weapon?" Asked a student from the back.

Luke paused and sighed.

"A planet killing weapon. A weapon with the power to take out entire civilizations." Luke expressed with concern.

Your heart dropped.

Planet killing?

You looked over at Ben for consonance. Instead his head faced the floor, his face emotionless. Almost guilty. You turned back towards Luke, focusing your thoughts back on the crisis.

"This is where I need you all. There is a resistance base on the outskirts on Alderaan. Two of you will be sent on your first mission. Your goal is to find out anything you can about the raids and to help the base in any way possible." Luke explained.

Your first mission.

You were sure he would pick the firsts of the class. You realized that you and Ben would be venturing towards Alderaan, off the planet. You began to grow nervous, yet excited.

"The two I will pick have shown the utmost responsibility, fearlessness, and promise." Luke looked around the room.

You looked at Ben with a smile that couldn't have been bigger. You knew this was the start to proving yourself to be a true Jedi. There was nobody better to endure the challenge with than Ben. Ben looked up at you and let a little grin slip.

Our first mission together.

"(Y/n)." Luke said. He approached you and handed you a tan cloak. A Jedis cloak. You raised to your feet and accepted the clothing. You smiled in recognition.

"Thank you Master Luke, I won't let you down." You said. You looked to Ben and nodded. You promised yourself you wouldn't clap when Luke called his name. Ben looked at you in complacency.

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