Chapter XXIII - Glacia

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Planet Cryovrost

Glacia Frosnow glanced at her holowatch as she gunned her coupe into the Rimensk rest area. She was late, but she didn't really care.

The rest area was covered in a thick sheet of white as the blizzard raged on. Cars and bikes plowed in and out of the fuel station, spewing out powdered snow and sleet from the back of their tires and carving their way through the snowpack. There was a motel in the back, but only its onion domes were visible through the drift from the entryway.

Suddenly, a bike careened into her way. Glacia slammed on the brakes, and her coupe screeched to a halt. As she looked on in vexation, the rider removed her helmet and shook out her hair. It was Gelatia.

This already doesn't seem like a good idea, Glacia dreaded and pulled her car over at the motel parking. She removed her belt and stepped out into the blizzard, adjusting her fuzzy, peach stole around her shoulders. It had been deceptively calm in the morning, so she had dressed lightly in a sleeveless, purple dress reaching down to her knees, purple boots with a fuzzy, peach lining, and matching gloves.

"You're late, Glay," her twin sister observed. "But then, you are always late. You were even born late."

"I'm sorry," Glacia replied. "Am I keeping you from getting arrested yet again?"

Gelatia smoothed out her long braid as her light-blue eyes stared back. Glacia had always been thankful that they were fraternal twins, and it was just the color of their eyes they shared. Where her twin sister had a long, sharp face with a pointed jawline and straight, brown hair, Glacia had a round face with big, light-blue eyes and wavy, black hair that fell in ringlets around her face and past her shoulders.

"This time, it's going to be you who'll be arrested, sister," Gelatia said with a smirk. "You messed up."

Shaking some of the snow out of her hair, Glacia asked, "Why did you call me?"

"Goodness, Glacia, not even all these years could bring the slightest hint of an expression on your face. Even Karomoz failed to liven you up, didn't it?" Gelatia said with a coy smile.

I was right  this is a waste of my time. "It's because whenever you see me, I'm inevitably in your company. Good day," Glacia said and began getting back in her car.

"Hey, listen up!" Gelatia yelled, holding the door back forcefully. "Goodness! I came to help you with your lawsuit!"

Glacia stared at her sister's face, wondering if she was being serious. "Excuse me?" was all she could say.

"Oh, finally — an expression! There you go!" Gelatia exclaimed happily and bumped her fist into Glacia's arm. "Yes, sister, I will help save your butt — because I know what it's like to screw everything up."

"I'm sure you do. Now, out with the truth. Why would you help me?" Glacia asked.

"Fine," Gelatia said, pouting. "I was brokering a deal on that building you designed... on behalf of the buyer. Since your lawsuit, it has gone into foreclosure, the seller is on bail, and my client can't buy that building anymore. I need you to clear your charges so I can finish the deal."

"So you can finish the deal? Why, I couldn't care less about you and your stupid deals—" Glacia began before something made her halt. "Hold on. You... were brokering a deal on a building... that I designed?" She watched as the smirk on her sister's face vanished briefly. "How did that come to pass?"

It took Gelatia a moment to recompose herself. "I don't know what to tell you. It just did. Don't look so flattered."

Glacia frowned. "Was it you, then?"

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