Chapter 18

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Tzuyu's pov
I was suddenly woken up by my phone ringing as much as I don't want to pick it up I decided to answere the call without looking at the caller ID.
Tzuyu: Hello?
Mr. Chou: I'm guessing you just woke up from your nap.
Tzuyu: Isn't it already obvious?
Mr. Chou: Why are you always so mean to your only father?!
Tzuyu: What do you want dad?
Mr. Chou: I just want you to get ready since you've been sleeping for almost 4 hours, you better get up so that you won't be late.
Tzuyu: Yeah, yeah whatever...
Mr. Chou: Is that really how you talk to me now?
Tzuyu: Are you there already?
Mr. Chou: I'm already on my way so you better come here now!
Tzuyu: Yeah I'll be there after a few minutes.
I quickly ended the call and went downstairs to drink water "Mark!" I shouted "Yes sir you need something?" Mark asked "Is my car still parked here?" I asked "The red one? If its the red one then yes its on your usual parking spot at the basement parking area." Mark anwered "Thanks Mark." I said then walked away but before I got up the stairs Mark called me "Ohh sir your car keys are in your office desk." Mark said and I just nodded then went back to my room to take a quick bath.

~time skip~
After getting ready I quickly wore my coat then took my car keys which was in my office desk, after taking it I quickly went to the basement and looked for my car which is a red Audi that dad bought me on my 18th birthday.

When I saw it I quickly got in and drove off to the restaurant where my dad is, after about 15 minutes I reached the restaurant with that I parked my car and went inside the restaurant "Do you have a reservtion sir?" The guy in the front desk aske...

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When I saw it I quickly got in and drove off to the restaurant where my dad is, after about 15 minutes I reached the restaurant with that I parked my car and went inside the restaurant "Do you have a reservtion sir?" The guy in the front desk asked "Ah is there a reservation for Mr. Chou?" I asked and he nodded "Right this way sir." He said then lead me to a private room where my dad and another guy is sitting and I assume is waiting for me, not long after the waiter left.

"Ahh my son your here!" Dad said then patted the chair beside him which I gladly took "Satoshi this is my son Tzuyu." Dad said and I just bowed at him then gave him a handshake "Glad to meet you Tzuyu." He said "Too bad my daughter couldn't join us today." He added which made me confused "Uhm... If you guys don't mind me asking uhm, why am I here?" I asked "We are arranging a marrige for you and his daughter." Dad said in a serious tone "WHAT?! DAD YOU KNOW THAT I HATE THESE KINDS OF THINGS!!!" I exclaimed "Kid please calm down." Dad said "Mr. Hirai's company is-" Dad didn't get to finish his sentence when I butted in "Wait your last name is Hirai?" I asked "Yeah, Hirai Satoshi why is there a problem son?" Mr. Hirai asked "No there isn't sir but if you don't mind me asking what is the name of your daughter that will become my fiancé?" I asked "Her name is Hirai Momo and I belive you know her since shes in the same school as you which is in Korea." He explained, I was shocked to know that the girl that I've been crushing on since freshmen year will be my future wife "Why do we need an arranged marrige?" I asked no that I don't want to do it "Well you see, Satoshi's company is going down so he decided to ask me for help and since he helped me a lot when we were young I decided to return the help by arranging you and his daughter for a marrige but don't worry Tzu the marrige will happen after you guys had already graduated." Dad explained "Alright here's the deal if Mr. Hirai's daughter agrees with this arrange marrige I will also agree to it." I said then the both of them celebrated like children "Dad I'm going to leave now." I said "But you haven't eaten yet." Dad said "I'll eat at the hotel with my friends since I know that they won't get to buy food for their dinner." I said then both of them just nodded with that I quickly left the restaurant then looked for another restaurant to order some take-outs for the others after getting the food I quickly drove back to the hotel.

No ones pov
While Tzuyu was on his way back the others decided to go to his room since it was already dinner time, when they got to Tzuyu's room no one was there except for Mark who was Tzuyu's butler the others decided to wait for Tzuyu in his living room after a few minutes of waiting and just talking to each other the front door opened revealing Tzuyu who is wearing a navy blue suit and a black coat "Woah where the heck did you go?" Chaeyoung asked "Went to a fancy dinner with dad but decided not to eat because I was worried of you guys." Tzuyu said "Aww thats so cute of you Tzu." Nayeon said then pinched his cheeks "Ow noona that hurts!" Tzuyu exclaimed "Nayeon unnie leave him alone." Momo said then pulled Nayeon away from Tzuyu "So how are we going to eat if theres no food?" Sana asked "I bought food from a korean restauran near the hotel." Tzuyu said then raised the plastic bag he was holding, and with that Dahyun took the plastic bag then prepared the food in the dinning area where all of them are gathered waiting for Dahyun to finish preparing and when he had already finished everyone sat down then started eating while talking to each other happily.

Ok sorry for the late update again and it looks like my exams will be cancelled due to the corona virus I hope everyone is safe right now and I also hope that this viruse will be gone already because I really miss hangging out with my friends, ohh and I don't know Momo's dad's name so I just made one myself yeah, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter see you guys on the next chapter of this book, stay safe everyone!!! :)))))

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