The Healthy Companions

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As much as he was tempted, Nick resisted the urge to remain out in the hallway and listen into the operation. He could hear Ether speaking, but he couldn't decipher what he had been saying, which probably was for the best. At least, (f/n) was alive and breathing, which meant that his team didn't have to worry about Ether killing them all, but Callest still was out there, and that terrified him to no end. Briefly, his eyes peered down to the red marks that remained on his wrists.

Memories of being tied and having to watch Callest glide his fingers along (f/n)'s body made him sick. His eyes widened slightly as he recalled the fact that he had been able to do nothing to stop him. Hearing what Callest had done to her as well made his stomach turn more, and he wondered if (f/n) truly ever would heal from all of that. He could be there for her, and he would be since the creature and she would be staying at their home for awhile, but there was an undeniable truth in the matter; he was utterly powerless against Callest. If it weren't for Ether, all of them would be dead, and (f/n) probably would continue to receive endless amounts of torture.

Even though he admitted that he did have feelings for (f/n), he couldn't protect her like Ether could. He couldn't understand and forgive her like Ether could, and he had his team to look after. In the subway, he even had thought of sacrificing (f/n) to Ether so that all of them could survive. Those facts created a barrier between (f/n) and him that he didn't know if he ever could break down unless Callest and Ether died. After everything in the subway, Nick didn't know if (f/n) would be able to kill Ether anymore, and he most certainly couldn't. All he could do was run and hope that he kept his teammates safe by doing so.

Leaning his left side against the wall, he stared out into the waiting room. The vet was tending to Ren's wound first since he was awake and loosing blood. Deidre was letting him hold her left hand to squeeze as the doctor stitched the wound together if he felt any pain during the small operation. That way, he wouldn't wake up Chris in the process, who moaned slightly in her sleep from moving her right leg just a little bit.

Deidre, noting Nick's presence, smiled to him slightly since the doctor had told Ren and her the good news about (f/n). Nick returned the slight smile, and Ren glanced over to her. He nodded his head. "Are you sure?" she quietly asked before Ren nodded his head again.

"Yeah, I can't really move too much, and I'll keep a watch over Chris. We need to get things moving too if we want to leave here as soon as we can." The vet gave no opinion on the matter even if he knew that moving (f/n) around too much in her condition was a poor idea. He wanted them gone, and he had saved her life, so his end of the deal would be over once he tended to Ren and Chris. Ren winced a bit at the final stitch before the vet tied them off, but the auburn-haired male gave Deidre another signal to go.

Standing up, she replied, "Okay, we'll just be around the corner." Ren hummed in response before Deidre walked over to Nick, who personally was planning to give them more time before they discussed things, but he figured that the sooner they got out of the vet the better.

"So, what are we going to do? All of our stuff is still back in the hotel room except for what we lost in our backpacks, minus Chris's, and the cameras still are in the subway. There are also the blueprints from the archives as well as our other notes that we took from there," Deidre started, thinking about all of the work ahead of them and how it would be possible to get done with Callest still on the loose.

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