𝟐| Graduation Exam

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"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
– Mark Caine

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Hardened Clay.

That was how Dawn liked to describe herself. Just like how clay was sculpted to form a shape, she had been changed from how she was forced to grow up. Plastering a layer of glaze and paint concealed the imperfections and secrete any signs of cracks. Just like how she walked in and out of the academy, everyone oblivious to what she was and the cracks that flawed her skin. And with each crack will she begin to desiccate. Similarly, if you knock a clay pot it'd be strong enough to withstand the pressure, yet it'll scatter into a millions shards once dropped to the ground.

It was why she constantly put up another layer of clay and water, to strengthen the walls till it was anew. Though the more layers she put, the longer it would take to dry. And if she were to heat it, she will burst. She feared the day that she would break. So perhaps if she pretended that she was okay, the pain will go away.

Funnily enough, it was the brink of dawn and Dawn laid limply on the ground- much to Jiro's liking. He hated it when she overworked herself to the extent her bones ached to the brim. The morning was her favourite, she loved watching the sun rise again reigning it's strenuous hours filled with yellow heat and rays of light. She was up, earlier than the rest of the people sleeping soundly who turned blind eye to the beauty of the beginning of a new day.

Or so she thought she was the only one.

"There's someone here." She murmured groggily, propping herself up on her elbows and climbed to her knees. Like a deer learning to walk for the first time, her legs wobbled before she steadied herself against a tree trunk.

"Wait here." Jiro grumbled, stretching his body to appear more bigger than he actually was.

"I'll check." Dawn insisted, placing her hand on Jiro's neck in assurance. "The chakra signature seems familiar, I'll be fine."

The black wolf looked sceptical. Despite his reluctance Dawn sent him a look that convinced him to retreat to his former position- his head laid on his paws, with his ears perked for any indignation of her being in danger. Never would he allow himself to put herself in harm's way and she knew that. And he knew that she'd never allow him to do the same. That was how they worked; like two peas in a pod.

Cautiously, she worked her way past the stray branches and manoeuvred her foot onto the soil trying to avoid stepping on the leaves that was sure to make noises. Dawn grew wary from the familiarity of the chakra, she deducted that it was someone in her class who had a high chakra storage. She crossed Naruto off the list, knowing him, he'd probably be late to lesson rather than being up this early. And the quiet Hyuga, she rarely conversed with, often kept to the training grounds within her compound. So that left one person who Dawn hoped it wouldn't be.

Unfortunately for her, she was right. Sasuke stood there in all his Uchiha glory basking in the sunlight as he panted heavily. Sweat glistened on his forehead, his spiky hair dampened and his clothes looked a little unkept. Dawn tilted her head, crouching as she concealed her presence behind a tree log. She had never encountered Sasuke around these parts, obviously she'd know if he had been training here as the forest was practically her second house.

He looks awfully moody. She pondered to herself, wondering why she didn't leave and return back to the hut in preparation for the graduation exam.

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